Please help guys. Severe anxiety and paranoia


New member
Okay. So my first time starting aas my source put me on tren e and test400 every 4 days. I took 1 full dose of that. After that I kept taking 1/2 to 3/4 doses. I was very scared of side effects. I ended up quitting the tren after 6 weeks. And continued only test for 2 weeks at half dose. I stsrted Oct 2 weeks after injection. I had an (AI) I stsrted taking at week 5 but only took for 3 days because I couldn't handle how I felt. I thought I was retaining more water. So that's why I took the AI. But when I took that my vision feels like it got crappy and crying and horrible side effects. I can't focus. I'm driving my gf up the wall . I really need help I want to feel normal again. I usually sometimes feel fine if I'm very distracted. But it's almost constant. Right now I've been on Nova for almost 2 weeks and every day of taking it. I've been very emotional.. I feel more girly when I take Nova..maybe just the sides.. but I have noticed my package has grown back quite a bit. They did shrink a bit. Anyways.. I've been taking Nova at either 10mg or 20mg and 30mg every day trying to experiment to where I don't feel this way. I talked to my source but they said they didn't know.. I can't take this... I constantly feel like a bitch and whining all the time. Constantly thinking my gf is gonna go cheat and meet a guy from work. I have absolutely no reason to think that. I noticed it takes longer to get off while having sex. IDK of that's the pill or what. But my cum seems to look normal. And good loads. My sex drive has went down a bit to. I still want it twice a day but not every 30 minutes. Lol. Not as much random boners. IDK if I should stop taking Nolva? I feel as if I lost weight.. because losing water.. or because my diet fell off. I've been completely unmotivated. Going to the gym is so Hard. I don't understand.. IDK if its the Nolva or what. I feel tingly a lot on Nolva also. I can't really take this anymore guys. Can you guys please help me out. I can take the crying and panic attacks and constant paranoia
Dude.. get in your head and tell yourself you're not a little bitch. Your mind is thinking the way it is because you are letting it. These compounds are nothing to play with and your source should have never started you on Tren but whats done is done.. In my experience Test alone has never caused any of the things you are describing. What AI were you taking?? Your use of AAS in this scenario you have described seems to be a complete waste if you immediately let yourself plummet post cycle. You were not ready for AAS so get ahold of yourself, take it as a lesson learned and get back in your normal state of mind.
Welcome bro! This is simply the end result of incorrect steroid usage my dude and can be rectified so you can be back to normal!

I can't comment too much as I'm literally walking out the door to gym, but Tren is NOT for amateurs and a solid PCT would do you wonders man. Hopefully someone else can chime in ASAP and help this dude out.

Tren + partner = delusions of cheating. No doubt about it. Tren can have severe consequences, but I will say have no fear or stress, you'll get the right advice and support as long as you're willing to listen, you came to the right place. In the meantime, look up through the forums here and get some knowledge brewing and if you can see if you can get yourself some blood tests done and post them up here, things will get better and there are steps that need to be taken to achieve that.

BTW, anyone who comes on this post and bags the shit out of OP WITHOUT LEAVING ANYTHING GOOD TO SAY... I'll bag it all up and launch it right back at you. Steroidology is a helpful community, not a mob. Helpful posts with guidance is what is needed when people find themselves in this situation as they do not have the knowledge we have. Just a reminder for anyone who is about to post up bullshit. You have been warned.
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You're in over your head. Stop pinning and start PCT in 3 weeks.

Give it some time to gather knowledge and start a proper beginner cycle of 500mg of test e a week with and AI.

You came to the right place.
Totally agree.... stop pinning, wait suitable period of time (see stickies for info) and run a standard PCT... you'll be feeling yourself in no time.

Then you can study AAS use PROPERLY to avoid an other car crash in the future!

Age please ? The feelings ur having are being exacerbated by 1 st the tren--ur source needs to be slapped, hard. And I m guessing ur young and WE ALL WERE so answer the question and it ll be easier to get u right. I took tren e 6 ? yr s ago 250 mg 1 st time and along w the cough had very vivid negative thoughts...and then did it again on 2 nd pin day and that was like lsd gone bad but I m mental.

AAS enhance us in every way, physically and mentally potentially both good and/or bad. It s the nature of these beasts and tren is a Bovine ( BEAST) compound so there s that too. This has been a ridiculously e z problem to avoid but some douche bag steered you very wrong. It seems more complicated to fix but it s not.

Cease ALL pinning. Wait. Proper pct. Stop all further AAS until both stability in ur mind and life return and they time. It took u month s to get sideways it ll take time to return to an even keel.

Stop reading google s side effects on steroid profile s or pct drug s POSSIBLE sides as ur freaking urself out during a time when your are possibly very subject to negative input.
This too shal pass...and u ll be just fine. This ain t beer and weed eh ?

Welcome. Keep us posted please.
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Some guys just feel really weird with tren, and others get weird from PCT drugs like nolva and clomid.

I'd just wrap this cycle up, start PCT in a few weeks and expect to feel weird again during PCT. The emotional stuff from tren can linger for a few months too.

On the next cycle, just run testosterone and get your estrogen level dialed in and you'll probably feel great the whole time.
Okay. So my first time starting aas my source put me on tren e and test400 every 4 days. I took 1 full dose of that. After that I kept taking 1/2 to 3/4 doses. I was very scared of side effects. I ended up quitting the tren after 6 weeks. And continued only test for 2 weeks at half dose. I stsrted Oct 2 weeks after injection. I had an (AI) I stsrted taking at week 5 but only took for 3 days because I couldn't handle how I felt. I thought I was retaining more water. So that's why I took the AI. But when I took that my vision feels like it got crappy and crying and horrible side effects. I can't focus. I'm driving my gf up the wall . I really need help I want to feel normal again. I usually sometimes feel fine if I'm very distracted. But it's almost constant. Right now I've been on Nova for almost 2 weeks and every day of taking it. I've been very emotional.. I feel more girly when I take Nova..maybe just the sides.. but I have noticed my package has grown back quite a bit. They did shrink a bit. Anyways.. I've been taking Nova at either 10mg or 20mg and 30mg every day trying to experiment to where I don't feel this way. I talked to my source but they said they didn't know.. I can't take this... I constantly feel like a bitch and whining all the time. Constantly thinking my gf is gonna go cheat and meet a guy from work. I have absolutely no reason to think that. I noticed it takes longer to get off while having sex. IDK of that's the pill or what. But my cum seems to look normal. And good loads. My sex drive has went down a bit to. I still want it twice a day but not every 30 minutes. Lol. Not as much random boners. IDK if I should stop taking Nolva? I feel as if I lost weight.. because losing water.. or because my diet fell off. I've been completely unmotivated. Going to the gym is so Hard. I don't understand.. IDK if its the Nolva or what. I feel tingly a lot on Nolva also. I can't really take this anymore guys. Can you guys please help me out. I can take the crying and panic attacks and constant paranoia

good advice here come back and get some more.
bitch slap the guy who put you on that cycle...

thats horrible.. just get off and run pct.. youll be fine.. itll take a little time to recover thanks to trens ability to shut you down quickly..

dont sweat it
I've done a little reading on tren trying to figure out just what other hormones are getting affected by it, and what is behind some of the behavior changes.

It is linked to elevated levels of Oxytocin, the lovey hormone. This is quite possibly the reason that it also is known for increased feelings of jealousy.

After my first tren cycle, and just a light one I found my self being way more romantic than I have ever been in 20 years of marriage. Had a little weird jealousy stuff going on, but for things my gal did 15 years ago... nothing serious, she just loved to flash her boobs.

I went from being a germaphobe to licking the wife's butt.

yep, strange drug that trenbolone
thank you very much for all the help guys. I'm 20 years old. Almost 21 . I've been off of the roids for 1 month and started pct 2 weeks ago.. I've been emotionally unstable on the pct kinda like I was on tren. Been taking nolvadex. I wanted to get stronger and bigger on a cycle because my gains had came to a halt for over 9 months. Bench stayed around 405 and back and arms stayed around the same size. Biggest thing I noticed on the cycle was that my back blew up. Being 250lbs I can rep out almost 30 pull-ups now
thank you very much for all the help guys. I'm 20 years old. Almost 21 . I've been off of the roids for 1 month and started pct 2 weeks ago.. I've been emotionally unstable on the pct kinda like I was on tren. Been taking nolvadex. I wanted to get stronger and bigger on a cycle because my gains had came to a halt for over 9 months. Bench stayed around 405 and back and arms stayed around the same size. Biggest thing I noticed on the cycle was that my back blew up. Being 250lbs I can rep out almost 30 pull-ups now

keep us posted.
There u have it young brother. Ur source should be shot. No offense--ur not even GROWN yet son. PLEASE get off AAS then pct..leave this game alone for a bit.

You got 32 years till u reach my age and I m still chugging along...bit dented but y o u a r e gonna be great again...soon.

Go have sex...with yourself even if there s no one in reach or you can catch....I always s feel better :)

U know why cave men drug the unwilling one s they brought down w a rock back to the cave by the hair ?

So they d not fill up with sand.
Tren is not called "The Devil's Juice" for nothing! It is an advanced steroid. Great advice has already been given, so follow them and you will be peachy keen in no time. Stick around and we will help you become the beast you always dream of being - and will help you do it safely.
U just chose the wrong cycle. Tren for the first cycle is abnormal. This drug is too strong.
Test e for 300 to 500 is more then enough.
wait till age 25+ to use aas or you can mess up your development FOR LIVE and ( no your not finished at 18 or 21 or what ever the "legal age" is in your country.