please help me ! need something to recover from surgery


New member
My younger brother just went under a surgery for a broken chin. They had to fix it up, and now their is a lot of scars tissues. It probably will be a long recovery, but since he,s young, 20, it should be quicker than a 50 years ol man.

Now, since I come on this site pretty often and I know theres many members who know that they are talking about.

Please let me know what would be good for him for the scars tissues and to give an overall better and quicker recovery.

My first thought was peptides? Is it a good choice, is there something better?

thanks guys.
I have lots and lots of scar tissue. It looks bad for about the first year, when it is reddish/pinkish in color and goes a bit purple in the cold, but after that, it really does fade to white, and is not THAT noticeable.

In time, the permanent solution would be laser therapy - that produces fantastic results. In the meantime, there are various oils etc that can reduce the appearance (color) of the scarring, but time and lasers would be the way to go imo.

Good luck to him. Personally scars don't bother me, probably because Im 42 but for a 20 year old, it will of course be an issue. He could have some counselling, which should be available from the hospital - i.e they can put him in touch with qualified people so he can change the way he looks at himself.

hope this helps

ps - hard vigorous massage is necessary once the wounds heal - this will stop underlying scar tissue from hardening - and will break it up so that it is absorbed by the body. This is the most important thing he can do now. It hurts like hell, but the plastic surgeons who operated on me a couple years back stressed its importance so that the scar tissue doesn't impinge on nerves, and becomes superficial rather than deep.
yes it does, thanks a lot bro! he will take the time to heal and he probably will go for the laser treatments from cosmetic surgeons or cosmetic dermatologists, I knew about taht, it can do miracles for acnee scars so I guess it must be the same for accident scars. thanks a lot man!
sorry to hear that Zoo man, hope he recovers well and fast. If you're not refering to scars from stiches you won't have much to worry about. If no stiches, there is an ointment over the counter to apply as the scar is in the healing stage. The sooner the better. It helps reduce permanent scars. They also slowly fade away with time, if they don't they're barely visible.

Look at the bright side, woman think a scar or two on the face is actually sexy lol. Coco butter helps too but needs to be used consistently everyday. It did wonders on my stretch marks.
hey scarz , nice to have you back on the forum!

For my bro's scars , its scars from inside is mouth, because the surgeon had to do a reconstructive surgery, so he scalped this inside to go fix the chin bone. So at least its not visible on his skin, but he has difficulty to smile or do expressions because of all the scars tissues under his low lip. but anyway time recovery is the way to go .... and hes tinking maybe about HGH on low dose for a faster recovery, but he aint sure yet. And he will get some laser therapy for the tinny scars on his skin, but thats really no big deal, its really more about the scarz inside his chin from the surgery.
