please help me with epi

Bubu G.

New member
I have problems with gaining muscles, after 15 years of weight trainings I am 53kg 168cm. I decided to try epistane.
I know, that the best option would be Anavar (var) but unfortunately in Poland it's pretty sure that on black market you buy some shit but not oxandrolone. The same with Winstrol. So I suppose epi is more safe.
I plan to take 10mg-20mg for 6 weeks, is it ok? How should I care about my liver? And what about OC, I use progestin only pills what can I expect after cycle, estrogen rebound may be strong in this case? I work out split, 3 or 4 days a week. No aero now. My diet is clear. Should I take creatine during the cycle? I've heard it's recomended.

I am a WOMAN not MALE
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I have problems with gaining muscles, after 15 years of weight trainings I am 53kg 168cm. I decided to try epistane.
I know, that the best option would be Anavar (var) but unfortunately in Poland it's pretty sure that on black market you buy some shit but not oxandrolone. The same with Winstrol. So I suppose epi is more safe.
I plan to take 10mg-20mg for 6 weeks, is it ok? How should I care about my liver? And what about OC, I use progestin only pills what can I expect after cycle, estrogen rebound may be strong in this case? I work out split, 3 or 4 days a week. No aero now. My diet is clear. Should I take creatine during the cycle? I've heard it's recomended.

I am a WOMAN not MALE

Check out this thread:

A post by estray reads: Stay away from epi if youre a female. You need estrogen to function properly and epi will all but shut that down completely in 2 different ways. One because it acts as an anti estrogen by blocking aromatzation of testosterone into estrogen, and 2 because its also a steroid and itll shut down your natural testosterone production (which again you need to produce estrogen via aromatazition). Bad combo all around. Even 10mg day can knock a females estrogen down to nothing very shortly. A little bit of estrogen reduction can be beneficial to a female but knocking it out all together can put you in a funky place real quick. You could play with the dose, maybe take 10mg every third day, but theres no real way to tell if its leaving you with any estrogen without a blood test.

My wifes tried epi a couple times and noting positive has come out of it aside from some strenght gains. She lost more than a whole cup size on her breasts, actually fights not to put on abdominal fat when shes taking it, and it slows her thyroid way down making it all but impossible to lose weight, and it really screws her menstrual cycle up badly. And then to make things worse when you come off the epi, youll likely get estrogen rebound and gain fat.

Last edited by estray; 11-02-2009 at 07:24 AM.

That will probably help you. Good luck.
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It's written there:

"Epistane and Women

Epistane has been used by women with great success. Side effects for women have been low. Some prefer it over Anavar since it does not cause bloating. Clitoral enlargement has not been an issue in these women. The most common dosing for women is 10mg EOD, or 10mg ED."

But you say your wife had some shitty effects... That's bad... I don't know, what to do, like I said, winstrol and var, typical women's SAA are in my country definitly not the safest option...

Are there any ladies who tried epi? could you describe your experience?
ok, I understend.
Ladies, could you asy something about epistane? I am thinking also about provirone, what you think? It is also antiestrogen but has no alkil group.