PLEASE HELP. Prohormone use at a young age!


New member
I am currently 23 years old and I have done 3 cycles since I was 18. I now have a bloated stomach and a lot of fat trapped in my chest. I have gone to doctors and told everything was fine and to continue living my life. I have had thinned out hair, I feel fatigued and tired all the time and week joints in my legs and elbows. Please help. The last cycle I took was super dmz 2 years ago.
I remember the doc telling me that my testosterone was in the 500 range. This was over a year ago thought. I was recently prescribed 20 milligrams of tamoxifen with little to no help
I am currently 23 years old and I have done 3 cycles since I was 18. I now have a bloated stomach and a lot of fat trapped in my chest. I have gone to doctors and told everything was fine and to continue living my life. I have had thinned out hair, I feel fatigued and tired all the time and week joints in my legs and elbows. Please help. The last cycle I took was super dmz 2 years ago.

We don't have much to go on. With a couple prohormone cycles, I doubt the problem could be as bad as you think. Androgens do cause fat to be stored as visceral fat . I'm thinking a diet. The old school way. Just cut calories and keep you protein up.

See a qualified Physician, and if the first one doesn't help, get a second. A cycle ran 2 years ago is almost certainly not your problem.
Did you run a PCT ? Why not go on a PCT ? Even after all this may just need PCT.

If you're still training..take it easy,you could be over trained.No smoking,drinking or staying up late could be a mitigating factor.
We don't have a crystal ball handy and all you've given us is you ran some hormones a few years ago and now yur test levels are decent. To actually help you out were gonna need a hair more info

Current diet
Train ing info years .... powerlifting type or more hypertrophy # times u train per week typical routine
Height weight bf % approx
Other more pertinent blood work like lh fsh prolactin tsh estrogen as test levels don't tell the full story