What would the risks be going on TRT when you're not a TRT patient ?


New member
Hello everyone.

So i've been thinking about my testosteron levels, trt, cruises and cycles of course.
Now my own values off cycle are low but not low enough to warrant TRT for life.
Also my last PCT was pretty shitty so I will have another look. Maybe I will be candidate after this PCT...who knows...

But lets assume I'll recover fine and that my off cycle value is around 450ng/dl at 34 years old.
It should be roughly 600 for that age if i'm not mistaken.

Ideally I would want to be around 1200ng/dl which would require probably 100-150mg test e /wk.
How long could I run this before i start running into "serious issues" ?
Besides cholesterol, liver values etc.. What are the actual long term risks with this "cruise/trt" approach ?
How much does the risk go up if running a blast in connection to this trt protocol ?
Would a PCT be mandatory before a blast ?

Pretty much my only two concerns are:
Being able to still have kids.
Not be on trt for life.

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Honestly, I think the Long Term Health Risks outweigh the Benefits.

Going on TRT when it's Not Warranted or Doctor Prescribed can lead to Long Term Problems with your HPTA.
Especially if you are going to Blast and Cruise, which is what you are hinting at.

You could wind-up coming off of your Self-Prescribed TRT, having to go on to Doctor Prescribed TRT.
Cause your Total Test doesn't recover.
Or LH and FSH have trouble rebounding to Normal Levels, so you have trouble conceiving with your Lady.

Then depending on your Choice of Compounds on your Blasts.
Cholesterol and Liver Enzymes could be Compromised.
Then there's the Strain on your Heart/Liver/Kidneys/Cardiovascular System, again depending on the Compounds used.

I went on a Blast and Cruise when I was in my Late 50's.
Total Test before starting was 924 Ng/dl.
Roughly almost 2 years later ~ 1 1/2 years on the Blast and Cruise.
Total Test was barely 700 Ng/dl.............................................. JP
As always your insight is invaluable bro.
I suspected it would be something along those lines but was hoping for a different answer lol.

The idea of having the body or rather testosterone levels of myself at 20 is very appealing but since I still have something to protect so to speak, it makes more sense to blast than cruise.
I guess in the end lengths becomes the ultimate factor ?
How much could i gain vs health risk at 1200ng/dl for 6 months against say 3600ng/dl for 3 months.

I guess what I'm looking for is the golden compromise between it all and its so hard to be even a little bit objective when talking about goals and how to reach them, not only the fastest and most efficient but also the smartest and safest way...
The more I learn, the less it feels I know lol...
Wait what... Did you have 924ng/dl at 50 fucking years ? What the actual batman fuck ?
Isn't that like truly amazing ? Even odd ? How ?
I blast for 3 months then cruise on doc trt 100mg per week for 3 months....then get my bloodwork and repeat. My lowest levels on cruise are around 1100. My pre treatment level was 600.
Is it killing me? Maybe:)
Wait what... Did you have 924ng/dl at 50 fucking years ? What the actual batman fuck ?
Isn't that like truly amazing ? Even odd ? How ?

I was in the Upper 5% of Men in my age bracket.

But you have to remember this.
I was raised at a time when All of my Food was coming from a Farm ~ Meats/Fruits/and Vegetables.
Not a Grocery Store.

My Mother made everything from Scratch, she even Canned a lot of Foods.
When they were Fresh in the Summer, so we would have them in the Winter.

We didn't have the Sub-Par Fruits and Vegetables that are in the Store today................................... JP
U.S. Department of Agriculture's Nutritional Values for Fruits & Vegetables today compared to 1975.

Apples ~ Vitamin A down 41%
Sweet Potatoes ~ Vitamin C down 31%
Watercress ~ Iron down 88%
Broccoli ~ Calcium and Vitamin A down 50%
Collard Greens ~ Vit A down 45%, Potassium down 60%, Magnesium down 85%
Cauliflower ~ Vit C down 45%, Vit B-1 down 48%, Vit B-2 down 47%.

You would have to eat 10 Servings of Spinach to get the same Level of Minerals that just 1 Serving gave you about 50 years ago, when I was 15 years old

I'm on blast and cruise for about 2 years. Don't regret it. I carefully monitor my estrogen/test levels on and off cycle, taking supplements like fish oil , cardio , eating mostly clean and using HCG EOD 100-150 IU. By doing this I can maintain my sperm(based on lab work) and still be at a respectable muscle mass .
I blast for 3 months then cruise on doc trt 100mg per week for 3 months....then get my bloodwork and repeat. My lowest levels on cruise are around 1100. My pre treatment level was 600.
Is it killing me? Maybe:)

This makes me somewhat jealous bro...
How is your gains looking stretched over 6 and 12 months ?
I was in the Upper 5% of Men in my age bracket.

But you have to remember this.
I was raised at a time when All of my Food was coming from a Farm ~ Meats/Fruits/and Vegetables.
Not a Grocery Store.

I would have guessed the upper 1%.
Those values made me jealous for sure.

Its not only in the states bro, we've have pretty much the exact same stats where I'm from and we used to have fantastic food and we have very good "food laws".
But dont you think its more genetics rather than nutritional intake ?

I've realized I will need 2 more cycles to reach my goals.
By that time i'll be close to 35 and having 4 cycles under my belt... Assuming I'll recover a little less for each cycle.. I'll pretty much be trt patient or dealing with low T sides once im hitting 35-36 years ?
I blast for 3 months then cruise on doc trt 100mg per week for 3 months....then get my bloodwork and repeat. My lowest levels on cruise are around 1100. My pre treatment level was 600.
Is it killing me? Maybe:)

What ? Arent you the same age as me ?
So you had very optimal levels at 600 but you decided to on trt for life anyhow ?
Why ? It wasnt even needed ? I'm confused :O
I would have guessed the upper 1%.
Those values made me jealous for sure.

Its not only in the states bro, we've have pretty much the exact same stats where I'm from and we used to have fantastic food and we have very good "food laws".
But dont you think its more genetics rather than nutritional intake ?

I've realized I will need 2 more cycles to reach my goals.
By that time i'll be close to 35 and having 4 cycles under my belt... Assuming I'll recover a little less for each cycle.. I'll pretty much be trt patient or dealing with low T sides once im hitting 35-36 years ?

That's just it, most of the Guys from my Day, all had High Total Test.
And if they kept their Weight in-line, it remained high.

It's Not Genetics, it's Piss Poor Food and Piss Poor Eating Habits.
With a Fast Food Joint on every Block.
And all those Boxed, Premade Foods in all the Grocery Stores.

Ask around and see how many Guys and Gals in your Age Bracket.
Actually take the time to make Meals from Scratch every day.
Or do they get those Meals in a Box (just add Meat), or order Fast Food or Pizza........................... JP
All these Fruits and Vegetables from Green Houses are really devoid of the Vitamins and Minerals.
They are either Hybrid Seeds, or GMO seeds.

We mostly only had "Heirloom Seeds", that made up the Vast Majority of the Fruits and Vegetables back in the day.
What ? Arent you the same age as me ?
So you had very optimal levels at 600 but you decided to on trt for life anyhow ?
Why ? It wasnt even needed ? I'm confused :O

You're not confused......I'm a dumb ass. My first doc told me if I were under 600 then I was below average and needed treatment. One of my tests came in at 600...then 611....then 575, so I began treatment. Mostly because I wanted to do steroids. Really really irresponsible for a grown man. But I had to know what it was like so I took the plunge. Nothing was like my first blast.....I felt like a God 24/7. But I still feel pretty great most of the time. My diet is shit so my results are shit. I keep about 4 lbs per blast. I'm happy with it though. Gonna add dbol next run and do a better job eating. NOTHING effects me like food.

Sorry...I could go on and on. Lol. Ask questions if ya have any
But to be honest......I am the answer to your question. "What happens if a non trt patient goes on trt".

The truth.....better odds of keeping cycle gains, and I life long addiction.
Steroids are a lovem or leavem relationship. Faced with all in or all out I chose all in. Was it the right choice? I dont know. Maybe? Will know more in a couple.years but it will be too late then. Maybe I can help some one else at that point
Fair enough latestart... I'm in sort of the same ********** I'm old enough, dont really feel I have anything to loose but then you look at people like JP and it makes you wonder...
I'm only 33 (soon 34..) and he's twice my age still healthy like a fucking ox lol... The hardest part is patience and remembering there's no shortcuts either...

The biggest benefit i've seen and gotten so far from anything in this world is definitely GH. Took 2 weeks until it was out for me to realize just how big of a difference it actually makes.
So much better sleep, better skin, better everything.

4 lbs per blast isn't much, granted you blast 3-4 times per year. But i was expecting much better gains for such high values year round...
Was this your first time with steroids or had you ran a cycle before you began TRT ?

Whats your stats bro ?
Never did steroids until 40th birthday. Loved the feeling so I got on trt and now blast and cruise. When I was 35 I was in about the best shape of my life. 185 lbs with a resting six pack around 9 bfp. No steroids just gym and cardio daily and lots of activities. I was between marriages and had a lot of free time. Diet was PERFECT. Wrecked my motorcycle and was life flighted to the hospital. Woke.up 9 days later both legs broken and right shoulder broken. Started walking again in about 2 months but used a Walker to get to the gym and work my upper body. Upper body recovered but legs are too weak and painful and stiff to really work them. I walk normally, no one would know of my handicap unless they saw me try to run. Lol
4 years later I decided to try steroids. Pre cycle I could bench 335 and at peak cycle could bench 400. Currently I'm kinda fat....guessing 16 or 17 % at 205-210 lbs. My weight fluctuates based on diet. I am 5' 10" and seem to look my best just under 200 lbs. My legs are very small and are holding me back but oh well. I dont eat like.i should and my gains suffer as a result. Have also cut too aggressively and sacrificed gains. 3 cycles in and I am guessing I have about 12 to 15 lean pounds to show for it. Next cycle adding dbol to at least 500mg test cypionate. Try to nail my diet and see what happens.

I'm rambling. Sorry bro. Now you know everything about me. Lol
But yes I agree.....my gains have been slow and just not great. Again....my diet is the clear problem. Just not as dedicated as I once was. My next cycle is always supposed to be my best.....I just keep fucking it up. Lol