please help with dbol cycle


New member
I have a bottle of blue hearts 10mg of danabol from thailand...bottle of nolvadex and milk thistle...can any one suggest any first cycle of 32 years old 182 lbs about 17% body fat.. i work out 4 to 5 times a week for an 1 hour each day..thanks
Probably best to save it (it's not going to go bad). Look into testosterone for your first cycle. You'll need it anyway when you're ready to run dbol, as dbol alone would be a very poor choice for a cycle.

Best of luck.
Yeah, what Austinite said, dbol only is just not a good idea. The only one I've ever seen suggest it are sites that sell it. Read the oral stickie and search for oral only cycles, there's a lot of info here on why it's a bad idea. Come back for more advice when you're ready to order some test.
This has been covered a million times, but the usual is 500mg per week of test C or E, pinned 2X per week. Adex, HCG, Clomid and Nolva, plus a dbol kick for the first 4 weeks, if you decide to do that. I'd go 30mg a day. You have to do a little home work on your own to find dosages and timing. Post up your complete cycle and we'll be happy to give you additional input.
This has been covered a million times, but the usual is 500mg per week of test C or E, pinned 2X per week. Adex, HCG, Clomid and Nolva, plus a dbol kick for the first 4 weeks, if you decide to do that. I'd go 30mg a day. You have to do a little home work on your own to find dosages and timing. Post up your complete cycle and we'll be happy to give you additional input.

this is going to be my second cycle.

Like the above mention I would run a test only cycle and see how your body responds to the test. I would then run dbol as a kick start to a 12 week test cycle.
this is going to be my second cycle.

Like the above mention I would run a test only cycle and see how your body responds to the test. I would then run dbol as a kick start to a 12 week test cycle.

Eh, go to the olympia gold post, help one of your fellow bredrens out!