Please Read I am extremely worried and in need of advice.


New member heres what i did over 8 weeks..
1.5 cypionate two times a week..

2 weeks off.

then i started taking 1.0 of nolva and 1.5 of clomid. balls came back a little..cant really tell tho, and im pretty sure my libido isnt where it used to be. i feel super weak, and super lame. i didnt do hcg becuase i dont know where to get some legit stuff..i cant get blood work done because im going into the military and that can create some serious im taking tribulus, and hoping over time everything will return to the equilibrium that it was once at.. am i wasting my time in hope? did i do everything right??

ps.oh i took my post cycle therapy (pct) for 3 weeks to the day.
What is 1.5 cyp?? Is that milliliters?

How many mg were you doing? How much nolva are you taking>?
i would think you took 750mg of test c a week.

if you have a bit more Nolva hope back on for a week longer.
but this is normal. you wont just bounce back every time.
clomide will also hit you hard and can make you feel like a little bitch.
what had the pct doses been. this may account for the way you feel but you sound normal. and it will come back in time.
thank you for the adivice, i will get on for 1 more week as i also continue to take tribulus. for 8 weeks, 2 times a week i was injecting 1.5cc/ml of test c, i was doing this for 8 weeks. and for the last 3 weeks i have been taking orally 1.5 ml clomid and 1.0 ml nolva.

thats good to know about the clomid, it also made my forehead breakout which was totally unexpected. but you do think everything will be back to how it was before my cycle over time?