Please Read


New member
I am postin this here in this forum due to the most traffic
Friday is the 4th and I'm sure alot of us will be partyin so everyone please be safe and dont drink and drive,its not worth it.The last thing any of us need is to read about a death of 1 of our iron brothers due to something so simple.Besides that the police will be out looking for this type shit and Im sure none of us need any fines and problems like that.The 4th is the #1 day for deaths by drinking and driving so EVERYONE please have a great time this 4th but just use your head and play it safe.

Well stated! You can get caught for DWI so easily nowadays. During the weekend of Memorial Day, I was in 3(that's right THREE) seatbelt-checkpoint stops. What's absolutely hilarious about those is, even if you DO have your seatbelt on, they still ask you for "drivers liscense, owners card, proof of insurance". Could it be anymore obvious that these fucking stops are about everything BUT a seatbelt check?? If the stop were an honest "seatbelt check", and the Cop saw I had my belt on, the stickers on my ride were good, and I didn't look or smell impaired, then the Cop should have ZERO reason to need my fucking ID!! Used to be a time in the USA, where you actually had to do something for the Po-Po to fuck with you. Now all you have to do is get stopped in one of these fucking things. What's even WORSE, is that people are still letting the State/Gov take away our rights in the name of safety. Can't people see the truth? UGH, I could go on & on. I wont though.

Have a safe 4th guys. Take a friggin Bus.:D:D:D
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I dont drink.. im on cycle right now.. duh.. lol

i have thought about tossing back a little, but nahh.. still not 21 and i dont want to test the waters seeing how i drive a Wrangler with 38" tires and every cop is like "lets pull him over, and fuck with him since he thinks he's a bad ass with that big Jeep, fucking punk kids" i dont test anything anymore.
Jay C said:
I dont drink.. im on cycle right now.. duh.. lol

i have thought about tossing back a little, but nahh.. still not 21 and i dont want to test the waters seeing how i drive a Wrangler with 38" tires and every cop is like "lets pull him over, and fuck with him since he thinks he's a bad ass with that big Jeep, fucking punk kids" i dont test anything anymore.

Gots me a Wrrrrannngler too! I'd waive if we were passing.:wavey: I was at a Mcdonalds in the ghetto last night, and the line was taking too long. Put that bitch down in 4WD and drove right over the fuckin medial strip--took the fuck off. People were like "white boy is mofuggin CRRAAAZZZZY"! I think I fucked up my suspension though.....:(
Since none of you all are "imbibing" on the 4th...I will make sure you all are toasted to...several times in fact...cheers. :beertoast
SkedMedz said:
Used to be a time in the USA, where you actually had to do something for the Po-Po to fuck with you.

Dude you're either tripping or the USA you're talking about doesn't stand for the United States of America. The cops are generally decent people, but they've always been able to stop you for whatever reason they feel like making up.
kendall w barrett said:
Can someone please tell me why does it hurt my thigh so bad using TEST 400. mY NAME IS METAL HEAD

Did you read the start of this thread at all? Nice random post I am sure you will get a answer to your question! LOL:D