PLease tell me that I am OK!


New member
I just did a shot of 1.75ml shot of 100mg/ml prop (1Ml) yesterday with .75ml of B12. I am in my second week of my cycle and have not had too much pain to speak of yet with my injections, nothing that prevented me from going to the gym anyway. but today and even late yesterday I have developed a hard lump about the diameter of an egg, but only sticks out very little bit, I underdstand that this may be a deposit of oil or maybe and abscess (I am very careful to do everything VERY sterile), but what else could it be because it as painfull as hell and even a little warm to the touch and can not really move my arm above my head, the injection itself was even a littlle painfull... please help, I am goin to continue to massage the hell out of it, but what else can I do and has anyone had similar problems?
sounds like an matter how sterile you think you may be, there is always that possibility of infection. get it checked out if it doesnt subside.
Test prop is always painfull, actualy everybody who used that know what you're talking about. (yesterdays captainowsome told about this to) i'm using it, i've no lump, but it hurts... true.

for you lump, without pics, only thing i could say it's : see a doctor.

i use thyomucase for massage.
Seems kinda soon for an abcess from and injection less than 24 hours ago. I'd be more concerned with the amount of fliud you just pumped into your arm. 2ccs is the upper limit of any injection, no to mention most of that gear is painful in itself.

Try some heat, see if that will help it absorb faster.

My .02
do you think I could give it about a week to see what happens before I go see a doctor, or is that too long?
I had the same thing when i injected fina in my delt, it looked like a half an egg sticking out. Just keep an eye on it if its something else.
I just did a shot of 1.75ml shot of 100mg/ml prop (1Ml) yesterday with .75ml of B12. I am in my second week of my cycle and have not had too much pain to speak of yet with my injections, nothing that prevented me from going to the gym anyway. but today and even late yesterday I have developed a hard lump about the diameter of an egg, but only sticks out very little bit, I underdstand that this may be a deposit of oil or maybe and abscess (I am very careful to do everything VERY sterile), but what else could it be because it as painfull as hell and even a little warm to the touch and can not really move my arm above my head, the injection itself was even a littlle painfull... please help, I am goin to continue to massage the hell out of it, but what else can I do and has anyone had similar problems?

too soon to tell if its an abscess.

put a heating pad on it....

this kinda stuff happens alot w/ prop
Sounds like simple inflation of the muscle caused by the painful crytalization of the testosterone propionate.
thanks guys... I love this board, nothing else even comes to close the experience and knowledge thanks again! I will keep an eye on it and let you know what comes of it, I will still continue with my inject tom, but in the glute and try and hit up the gym to get the blood flowing
i had the same thing but from sus.evey time i took it it knotted up,like the next day and hurt like hell.but my brother did the same stuff and was just it might depend on thee person.try it in the glutes.but if you still have pain after a week go see ur pain and knott only lasted for a week.
well i can move my arm a lot better now and it hurts a lot less, but now from where i injected down to elbow on half of my arm is a little swollen not really noticable but definately there, does this seem familiar to anyone? never had this problem with any of the other injects? should i just keep a heating pad on it for 30 min ED still and massage it? any insight would e much appreciated.
U R ok

well i can move my arm a lot better now and it hurts a lot less, but now from where i injected down to elbow on half of my arm is a little swollen not really noticable but definately there, does this seem familiar to anyone? never had this problem with any of the other injects? should i just keep a heating pad on it for 30 min ED still and massage it? any insight would e much appreciated.

You will be just fine, a couple keys to keeping it from happening in the future are common:
1: Cleanliness, clean area to be used, never let needle touch anything other than injectible to be used.
2: This one is huge in my opinion and has prevented any oil abscesses from reoccuring on my part, rotate your injection sites, calves, quads,delts,glutes,pecs, biceps or triceps depending on how much tissue you have to work with, inject slow and the smaller the pin the less damage.

3: Your choice of product can also cause problems more frequently, UGL type stuff is not.....repeat...(Not!) the same as Human grade, you will find most ugl stuff has a higher concentration of BA and will be more painful, let alone propionate has a tendency to cause more pain and adverse reaction.

4: The amount can also be a factor because it has to go somewhere, if you have over 2 ml to inject then it might be a help to split it into two diff.
Hope this helps anyone with similar problems. Kinda gets scary when lumps start to grow.
Yours should be ok, just continue the heat, massage and keeping blood flowing, lots of liquids ingested wont hurt either.

check my post a few weeks ago.. I injected home brew prop- first 8 or so shots were fine, but this one killed me. I though i had an abcess-almost went to the doc. I waited 10-12 days and it subsided.
somtimes you just have a bad shot. keep an eye on it and wait a few days

Another beautiful guys have got to go easy on us hormonally imbalanced types.....gonna have blisters on my monkey!!!

check my post a few weeks ago.. I injected home brew prop- first 8 or so shots were fine, but this one killed me. I though i had an abcess-almost went to the doc. I waited 10-12 days and it subsided.
somtimes you just have a bad shot. keep an eye on it and wait a few days

That is pretty damn close to what mine looks like, thanks for posting the pics. Whoever the hell enjoys prop more than e is crazy IMHO. I will be posting before and after pics when this is all done, I have two insane veins going through my abs now and am loving every minute of being in the gym despite these stupid pains. did u ice and heat yours much and still continue wth your regular workouts as best you could?
i massaged it some- no heat or ice really. I continued to workout- the muscle was just tight, like prop shots tend to end up. the swellinig and redness (like a sunburn) was a little unsettling though. Actually, 4 weeks later and its still a little off color. Im on Ethanate now :) you should be fine.
well it will be a week tom and I am happy to say that the swelling had gone down as well as the muscle tightness, but man was that a scare, thanks for all the posts and just to describe my problem further for anyone that may have similar problems, I developed a hard knot about the size of an egg on my delt about 1/2 inch below inj site and my arm swelled up all the way down my bicpep end even a little into my forearm. I found that Ice helped more than anything else, but used heat and massaged it at the beginning just in case it was an abcsess and I could get the "spontaneous drainage" that sometimes comes with continous heating of the area. This however I am sure contributed a bit to the swelling, my muscle was insanely tight and about a 7 on the pain scale, it also got pregressively worse for 4 days and then started to look better on the fifth day with a still a lot of tighness but dropped to a 2 on the pain scale. massaging the knot was painful, but necessary. I reccomend doing a couple leg days as best you can for two days and just do a bunch of stretching of the arm before doing upper body lifts, but I believe by keeping with my regular workouts like was suggested helped keep the blood flowing and the healing process. thanks for helping me through this scare.
your answer

Your OK! I just had to say it because of the title of your post (Tell me im OKay). Im sorry im 6 weeks into post cycle therapy (pct) and feeling mental:)