Possible mild gyno from swoll250 now running quadzilla advice needed


New member
I am new to anabolics, have run 3 prohormone cycles and am currently on my fourth cycle 4 days into it. I believe that i developed mild gyno symptoms on my 3rd prohormone cycle. The cycle was Swoll-250 for 8 weeks while on organ shield and no anti-estrogen. Towards the end of my cycle i was leaning over my counter while eating and i noticed my one nipple was lactating a little bit (this was approximately 3 months ago) so naturally i was squeezing them and seeing what happened well shit would come out not much but some. I came off with only Recycle by purus labs. I am now running Quadzilla by epic labs and still lactating a little bit it has significantly slowed down and does not leak only comes out if i squeeze them and there are no hard lumps no itching and no pain no sensitivity in my nipples. I was wondering wether i should take some liquid Letro or Adex while i run this 8 week cycle of Quadzilla. I really appreciate any input my knowledge is vert limited and i want to stop the slight lactating i am having.
Why prohormones? What I have gathered it is worse on your liver and system than normal steroids.
Try arimidex or other strong similar anti-estrogens, that could help even reverse the damage.
I understand, however it would be "healthier" to simply use some test enanthate 500mg a week in two injections :) Possibly use some anti estro if you are sensitive :)
I understand your reservations and going in "soft" but it's not all that awful ;)
I am planning on that with some anavar i just want to know what to do about my lactating

What is wrong with u? Your tits ate leaking and your thinking about running var? Haven't u learned anything from your ignorant actions yet? You don't throw shit in your body without knowing anything about it. You need a lot of research. Tons

Testing the waters... That was funny
What is wrong with u? Your tits ate leaking and your thinking about running var? Haven't u learned anything from your ignorant actions yet? You don't throw shit in your body without knowing anything about it. You need a lot of research. Tons

Testing the waters... That was funny

Kind of agree on this. You need to read up, a lot. Stop taking this pro-hormone shit, find anti estro and read up.
You have prolactin/progestinic gyno man.

Get a DA and a AI.......and stop fucking cycling.

If u are leaky what the hell would posess u to start another oral...?? It's pretty clear u have no clue what your doing. Sit down and read/research for 4hrs or so til u understand this.
I would say get some Arimidex and some pharm grade nolva (can get them online). Start taking the Arimidex and if you have gyno you can very quickly get rid of it via nolva (the greatest gyno killer out there).

I would also keep some on hand just in case if you needed do to a come back. Keep some estrogen blockers and anti-e stacked just in case if this happens.
This is the standard question anytime pros or orals are brought up with "normal" roid guys. Is not the answer obvious? For me, I would have to say that "normal steroids" are black market and illegal. This means you have no way of know what you are shooting-it could be poison, wrong shit, contaminated, seized and you risk "issues" by knowing a guy who knows a guy-the law. At least is you buy a bottle of shit that is going to trash your liver, you know what is in the bottle and you can't get in trouble for having it.