New member
I am new to anabolics, have run 3 prohormone cycles and am currently on my fourth cycle 4 days into it. I believe that i developed mild gyno symptoms on my 3rd prohormone cycle. The cycle was Swoll-250 for 8 weeks while on organ shield and no anti-estrogen. Towards the end of my cycle i was leaning over my counter while eating and i noticed my one nipple was lactating a little bit (this was approximately 3 months ago) so naturally i was squeezing them and seeing what happened well shit would come out not much but some. I came off with only Recycle by purus labs. I am now running Quadzilla by epic labs and still lactating a little bit it has significantly slowed down and does not leak only comes out if i squeeze them and there are no hard lumps no itching and no pain no sensitivity in my nipples. I was wondering wether i should take some liquid Letro or Adex while i run this 8 week cycle of Quadzilla. I really appreciate any input my knowledge is vert limited and i want to stop the slight lactating i am having.