Possible sides on first cycle.


New member
Hello all, I've posted a few times and this time I may need some real help.
I'm currently in week 3 of my first cycle.

12 weeks
Test P 450mg/week
Masteron 150mg/week
Tren A 150mg/week

The tren/mast/prop @50 in a premix.

Yes I know its odd for a first cycle, but literally, its all I could get safely and not online. Currently I am taking Nolva eod @20mg and I have Clomid for my pct. I got labs done in week 1 but they somehow lost them. Here is my concern, my nipples have been sensitive and are starting to get a little puffy. No lump or lactation, just itchy or sensitive. Should I increase my nolva? Or would someone pm me to a US domestic website I can get something else...like aromasin or some other AI? Thanks in advance!
If u posted a few times already then I'm sure u were told not to use it. If crack was the only thing I could get that doesn't mean I would use it! Nolvadex is a serm, not an ai. U need an ai and probably a dopamine antagonist as well. The reason this is not advised for a first cycle is because u have no clue how your going to react to just test. That can be tricky in itself to dial in your ai on a first cycle. Now your on of all things tren and mast too. Your probably not going to be happy about the outcome considering u already started and all your taking is nolva. U would be best to stop and use nolva with Clomid for pct. Don't start a cycle u know nothing about and don't have what u need. U can cause some serious damage when fucking around with hormones.
Thanks internet. I was unfortunately going off the advice of my source.

What I get from what you said was...scrap the cycle, do pct and hope I didn't fuck anything up. Any other thoughts from anyone else? Perhaps a direction to look for an ai? Thanks.

Oh, and perhaps you need the dopamine antagonist...no need to fly off the handle at someone who is generally asking for help, not an internet bully.
I wouldn't scarp the cycle. I'd set the mast / tren aside for later and continue with test only. He isn't flying off the handle that's how Tbone comes off. He gave you sound advice bro. For your AI look to the red lion up top. Do more research in the future. Good luck.
you are the one who asked for help and it was correct IMO. but i you want bitch tits and not be able screw your girlfriend then go for it. you have ben are around for a while now so you should have read the stickies which wld have told you run test only for at least your first cycle. NEVER TREN !!! but good to you
I thought your running a cut stack. So u cant separate test from the others, its a blend. Don't get shitty with me about YOUR POOR CHOICES! I didn't tell u to do that cycle nor did I tell u to post about it. I sure as hell ain't going along with your bad ideas either. Wtf is wrong with u???...
I agree with above drop the mast and tren and continue with test only...if you have enough run 150mg of test p EOD for ten weeks. if you don't have enough then get more. get an AI ASAP
Yeah sorry, you all are right. The fucking tren is rocking me bad. I stopped it today. I have enough prop for a 9 week cycle. Talked to my boy, told him I'd like another prop and exemestane. Said he will get on it. Thanks for the replies. After a sleepless night on the toilet every 2 hours, hot flashes and night sweats, and feeling like I have the flu...I was a little short. My bad.

So to recap. I have enough prop for 100mg eod for 6 more weeks. Is 300mg/week worth doing or am I shutting myself down for nothing?
It's a little low of a dose. Can u get anymore and bump it up to 500? If not, u should be ok.

It's tuff learning the hard way. Most of us have so u wouldn't have to.
My first cycle was prop at 100eod and I Madge great gains. And that comes to 350 a week, not 300.

Fuck bro....why would you do this?

I'm not trying to be ride, but holy shit that was dumb. At least you know for next time. Tren should not be run until AT LEAST cycle number 4 and that still depends on your knowledge of the world. Good luck. I hope you get better
Yeah...not a fun way to learn. My source is getting me enough prop to run 450mg/week (150 3x/week). Will have enough for 9 more weeks...for a total of 12. I can stop short of that if you all recommend. Also getting an AI for the rest of the cycle, but it wont be here for about 3 weeks. Any recommendations until then?
Keep your test lower dosed until you have your AI. Also, if you pin EOD then you need to figure your weekly dosage X 3.5, not 3.
I've been pinning m/w/f. Is there something wrong with having the extra day off on the weekends? And copy that, I will keep the test lower until the AI gets here.
I've been pinning m/w/f. Is there something wrong with having the extra day off on the weekends? And copy that, I will keep the test lower until the AI gets here.

It is said that by keeping your levels steady you are less likely to have sides. Who knows fore sure...
Taking the forums advice. Sides from the tren are nearly gone, nips are back to normal. Still having solid strength gains and some vascularity with the prop. Doing 100mg eod. Will have enough to do 150eod for weeks 8-12. Is it worth bumping up the dose at the end like that? Or just maintain the 100mg?

And thanks...you all have certainly saved me from seriously messing myself up.
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