post cycle question..............


New member
I ran hdrol at 100/100/100/100 then in my 4th week I started EPI at 20 now I'm staying my epi at 20/30/30/40 with the last 2 weeks of 1 shot of 100mg test prop EOD. (or I may just drop it to 50mg EOD for about 3 weeks to run alongside epi)

My pct looks like:
Tamoxifen: 30/30/20/20
libido supp(Horny goat,trib,maca,L-Arg,a few others) ED as recommended.
Six star test booster(Bascally just Boron and ginkgo extract. It was free) 2 AM/2 PM
Arime Stage 5 PCT (Only have 4 caps. So ill just run it first 4 days)
T-911 ( has reversatrol, ellagic acid, and a few others in it) 2/2/1

Would you recommend I up the nolva? If I run into more cash I will be adding PCT IV but at the moment I'm abit strapped for cash and this is what I'm working with for pct. other than adding in more protein an carbs during pct. I most likely will be adding GNC Amplified strength because it has DAA and TRIB in it.

*Other question is, I've heard during pct its not best to do the same kinda workouts you would do during cycle. like mine currently is: 1.chest/tri's/shoulders 2.back/bi's/abs 3.legs/fore arms/abs. 4.whatever muscle I feel that i couldve worked harder on I do on this day along with cardio.
****BUT*** For PCT I will just be doing compound movements 3 days a week with flat bench/squat/deadlift. Should I include incline bench? how long should I stick with these movements during pct? should I also involve cardio during PCT or would that maximize the loss in gains? Is there any other workouts that would be recommended? Any and all advice is welcomed!!
yea.. there are some great stickies here about running pct.. do a little research and you'll find everything you need