Post cycle therapy (pct) for androhard


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Pct for androhard

I've read mixed reviews about whether a pxt is needed after Androhard cycle? Anyone have any experience or input on this? If a pxt is needed what would you recommend? Since AH does not convert to estrogen I'm thinking that a serm such as nolva should not be necessary. Possibly an OTC post cycle therapy (pct) would suffice? Thanks
I don't believe a serm is needed for your post cycle therapy (pct) with androhard, pp recommends the trs of theirs for most of their ph's, I have seen people do fine with just the sustain alpha. A serm alone would be fine as well, but not needed, if you are really worried I would do a low dose serm and some sustain, I have made resveratrol a standard part of my post cycle therapy (pct) no matter what I take. Good luck.
The best OTC PCT I have used is the TRS stack. You could also throw in a natural test booster with it. I never PCT without a TRS usually. I just feel like its a great addition.

I feel like the Toco 8 should be a staple among any supplement regimen.
The best OTC PCT I have used is the TRS stack. You could also throw in a natural test booster with it. I never PCT without a TRS usually. I just feel like its a great addition.

I feel like the Toco 8 should be a staple among any supplement regimen.

I stocked up on some toco 8 last time they had a bogo sale, didn't realize each container lasts 2 months, so I have about a years worth. From what I have read it seems a valuable and cheap tool to use on cycle, helps with the hairline, sensitizes the testes, and slight cortisol lowering effects. That vitamin E is beast.
Yes we recommend our TRS (Testosterone Recovery Stack) for an AndroHard post cycle therapy (pct). It is also currently on sale

Supplement stack for maximum Testosterone stimulation
Sustain Alpha Liqua-Vade increases testosterone levels
Toco-8 sensitizes the testes to the effects of LH & FSH
EndoAmp Max amplifies testosterone and growth hormone
A legal & natural Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) alternative
Save $15.90 when you purchase this stack
i think sustain is enuff....if you use the trs, or even serm/ be aggressive and extend the cycle to 8wks, and up the dose to can really only cycle 2-3 per year if you are a responsible user, so when you do might as well really kill it and maximize sure youd recover fine if you ran it high for 8wks and used the trs....its a very mild ph
I would just grab an otc for this...extend it out and I would recommend something stronger. Grab some HCGenerate to run with the Sustain and you'll not only recover you'll be humping everything you can find,,,,
I would just grab an otc for this...extend it out and I would recommend something stronger. Grab some HCGenerate to run with the Sustain and you'll not only recover you'll be humping everything you can find,,,,

that would work too, the AH really needs to be run high and long to really benefit imo
I am very interested in do Andro but not in a cycle. Can someone suggest a type of Andro that's the best? I am just using it to get a boost when i work.
I ran AH at a slightly reduced dose for ~6 weeks and I ran Erase and AS-GT as my post cycle therapy (pct). I never felt any shutdown but looking back I should have run something like HCGenerate or Phytoserms to get back to 100%. I did have some estrogen rebound I believe as I gained some fat and softened up after it was over. Definitely run it and get a reasonable OTC PCT together and have fun. I had some crazy strength gains on AH, it was a fun run.