Post your guns

the pic is not of my gun but mine is identical but without the carry handle and mine has a red dot scope. basically a russian sks with an ati stock, drum mag pinned to 5 (stupid canadian gun laws), muzzle break and bipod. fun and cheap as hell to shoot.

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I have a Center Arms .38 SPL CC handgun. I like it for CC but Im looking to upgrade, stuck between Springfield XDm or glock. Anyone have an XDm?
Rifles: Remington 700 in .25-06 Ruger MarkIII in .270 Marlin .30-30 lever action assorted .22's
Shotguns: 2x 12 ga. Remington 870's (one home defense w extended mags, short barrel, ect, another for hunting) Benelli 12 ga, mossburg 500 20 ga

Posting pics on here continues to elude my limited computer skills.
Hey Sharmarcus, you really shouldn't be saying stuff like that. Im from Canada and we have no gun rights whatsoever. Up here it is a priviledge to own a firearm. America is one of the only great countries in the world that still gives its people undeniable rights such as the 2nd amendment. Everytime you allow the government to put restrictions on you or try to limit your RIGHTS, they will not stop. They will keep chipping away at them until your 2nd amendment is nothing but a fond memory and a great idea on paper. I am so glad that I have american brothers that are standing up for there rights and liberties. Even though I am from canada I believe the constitution is one of the greatest accomplishments in the world. I hope it never changes and that maybe, just maybe, Canada might turn around and allow us to protect our homes and familes with more than just hockey sticks