Powder DNP


New member
I already asked this in another post, but how do u take powder DNP? I have a 5g pouch and directions say to divide it with a credit card into lines and drink it with your coffee. I know you can make pills but it seems like a huge pain in the ass and more expense than I don't want to deal with. Anyone know of any other methods?
Yeah I'm not sure. Basically you divide into into the number of lines they advise which seems pretty reckless. I don't know, DNP just seems dangerous to me.

I'm sure a google search will find the answer for you. I don't mess with this but make sure you find out the dose before starting.
I feel like you want an ACCURATE ACCURATE scale for DNP. Get a few calibration weights and test it before you measure it out. Cutting it with a credit card 1.) Sounds like you are taking crack 2.) Seems like you could easily OD. I personally stay the hell away from that, just seems to dangerous for my risk taking.
do NOT fuck up while using dnp . i would either throw what you have away or get ahold of some SUPER accurate scales.
I think what I'm gonna do is just take 200mg doses until the bag is gone. That way if it's a little more it will still be way under the 600mg max.
I just recently finished dnp early. Intended on 2 weeks and made it 11 days.

2 weeks is max for dnp and anybody that does it longer is uneducated on it. You're body becomes use to it and stops it's fat loss effect, but continues poisoning you.

Some do it 10 days on, 10 days off, then 10 days on again. After running it, that would be my preferred method.

You will feel like hammered shit after about 4-5 days. Especially with that junk you're talking about using. If you can't find good crystalline dnp then pass on it. The powder is industrial grade chemical and crystal is made specifically for this purpose in a lab.

Start at 200-250 for 3 days to see if you're allergic, as in a red rash all over. Benadryl will help this. Then if you're a big individual, say over 200lbs you can go to the mild dose of 500 daily. 750 is considered high dosage and isn't advised by anyone.

Be aware of your electrolyte depletion, so drink gatorade and enough water even though you won't want to.

I'll say dnp isn't worth it. I tried it just to see how much weight you would lose if you didn't change your diet at all. 5lbs in 11 days. It works, but diet and cardio is the right way, dnp is the bitch way to lose weight.
There were a couple guys over on mesamorphosis forums that did low dose like 200mg per day for 3-4 weeks that got pretty decent results.

I'm just gonna play it by ear. After 4 days if I still don't feel anything I will bump it up to 400mg. And I will be dieting so I hope I will lose more than 5 lbs lol.
OP, Read everything you can by Conciliator on low dose DNP. He's the most well-read guy on DNP I've come across... he went and dug up all the old studies you can only access in paper at university libraries from the 40s.
I wouldn't be messing around with DNP powder. handling DNP in caps is dangerous enough. I've messed with a lot of powders and that is one I won't touch. You need a cover over your mouth, something to cover your hair and like 3 layers of rubber gloves to mess with it. If that shit gets in the air, it will stain anything near it yellow. If you inhale it, it can cause some serious problems. Please take all precautions when handling that powder...it's safe to be extremely overcautious with that powder.

Of course, you could always just learn to diet and have no worries about dying.... just a thought.
I wouldn't be messing around with DNP powder. handling DNP in caps is dangerous enough. I've messed with a lot of powders and that is one I won't touch. You need a cover over your mouth, something to cover your hair and like 3 layers of rubber gloves to mess with it. If that shit gets in the air, it will stain anything near it yellow. If you inhale it, it can cause some serious problems. Please take all precautions when handling that powder...it's safe to be extremely overcautious with that powder.

Of course, you could always just learn to diet and have no worries about dying.... just a thought.

Yeah I got some on my hands and it looks like I got into some yellow highlighter lol.

I think the difference in opinions between forums is kinda funny. Most people over here treat dnp like a dirty word. Then I start looking at the meso forums and most people talk like you can take a gram per day and still be fine lol.

By the way. I tried taking 200mg with coffee and it tastes like shit, burns my throat, and there's a bunch of particles left in the cup after the coffee is gone.

Need to find a better way to take it b4 starting 400 mg per day.
Yeah I got some on my hands and it looks like I got into some yellow highlighter lol.

I think the difference in opinions between forums is kinda funny. Most people over here treat dnp like a dirty word. Then I start looking at the meso forums and most people talk like you can take a gram per day and still be fine lol.

By the way. I tried taking 200mg with coffee and it tastes like shit, burns my throat, and there's a bunch of particles left in the cup after the coffee is gone.

Need to find a better way to take it b4 starting 400 mg per day.

a gram a day is LIFE THREATENING . i cant say this enough DO NOT listen to those idiots , just because 1 idiot gets away with something doesnt mean everyone who tries it will , just look at people who OD on drugs as a example. those guys dont give a shit about you or your health because they are 99% snot nosed kids. ive been around a long time and actually used dnp on numerous occasions with success , i never said not to use it all im saying is that dnp is NOT SOMETHING TO BE CARELESS WITH. low-moderate doses done for a reasonable time should be fine , if you dont lose enough the 1st cycle then take a little break and run it again.and for gods sake dont fuck up your measureing and take to much of that shit.

use your fucking head for something other than to hang a hat on.
dude...mixing dnp powder with coffee....top 5 most ridiculous things I've seen. Do not do that again. If you are set on using DNP, get a capping machine and make 100mg caps. Be exact in your measurements and procedures. I say 100mg vs. 200mg so you can taper more effectively.
I just recently finished dnp early. Intended on 2 weeks and made it 11 days.

2 weeks is max for dnp and anybody that does it longer is uneducated on it. You're body becomes use to it and stops it's fat loss effect, but continues poisoning you.

Some do it 10 days on, 10 days off, then 10 days on again. After running it, that would be my preferred method.

You will feel like hammered shit after about 4-5 days. Especially with that junk you're talking about using. If you can't find good crystalline dnp then pass on it. The powder is industrial grade chemical and crystal is made specifically for this purpose in a lab.

Start at 200-250 for 3 days to see if you're allergic, as in a red rash all over. Benadryl will help this. Then if you're a big individual, say over 200lbs you can go to the mild dose of 500 daily. 750 is considered high dosage and isn't advised by anyone.

Be aware of your electrolyte depletion, so drink gatorade and enough water even though you won't want to.

I'll say dnp isn't worth it. I tried it just to see how much weight you would lose if you didn't change your diet at all. 5lbs in 11 days. It works, but diet and cardio is the right way, dnp is the bitch way to lose weight.

all good advice here, also eveyrone says use benedryl for the rash, but zyrtec works WAY better.

i would be on Zyrtec as preventive, starting 3 days before cycle. people tend to up the dose cause they think its not working, it builds up on them and then bam, welts all over their body. if you get the welts you should stop cause its the first stage of poisoning.
I wouldn't be messing around with DNP powder. handling DNP in caps is dangerous enough. I've messed with a lot of powders and that is one I won't touch. You need a cover over your mouth, something to cover your hair and like 3 layers of rubber gloves to mess with it. If that shit gets in the air, it will stain anything near it yellow. If you inhale it, it can cause some serious problems. Please take all precautions when handling that powder...it's safe to be extremely overcautious with that powder.

Of course, you could always just learn to diet and have no worries about dying.... just a thought.

shit is nasty, turns everything yellow
a gram a day is LIFE THREATENING . i cant say this enough DO NOT listen to those idiots , just because 1 idiot gets away with something doesnt mean everyone who tries it will , just look at people who OD on drugs as a example. those guys dont give a shit about you or your health because they are 99% snot nosed kids. ive been around a long time and actually used dnp on numerous occasions with success , i never said not to use it all im saying is that dnp is NOT SOMETHING TO BE CARELESS WITH. low-moderate doses done for a reasonable time should be fine , if you dont lose enough the 1st cycle then take a little break and run it again.and for gods sake dont fuck up your measureing and take to much of that shit.

use your fucking head for something other than to hang a hat on.

Well the gram a day is a little bit of an exaggeration. Although I have heard of people taking that amount and getting away with it. My plan is 600 mg tops and that for only a couple days at the end of a cycle.