Powders Pics


dungeon keeper
the top left was my OLD test E! Like a soft soap bar, strong yellow!
the bottom left is sandy and soft and bit light yellow!
the right one is white and very loose powder!

The bottom left was nandrolone decanoate labeled
The right one was test enantate labeled!

I'm not very used to powders yet, but I'm almost sure that the right one is nandrolone deca and the left bottom one is test E, though a light yellow than my old harder one!

what are your opinions guys?
I only see 2 pics. Test enan can be anything from a clumpy whitish yellow power to a honey colored liquid depending on temperature. Deca is yellow pasty nasty looking stuff. Neither of them are a white loose powder, maybe your source gave you cyp instead of enan, cyp is a white loose powder.
This is only 1 picture with 3 powders there!
I haven't seen the deca of this guy yet, so i'm not sure how is it...

yeah, you may be right... this powder is not so loose and thin as propioante, it is more like whity sand, the grain are bigger than prop!
so i almost may say for sure that:

-top leaft is test E
-bottom left is deca
-right one i'm almost sure it is cyp
deca and enanthate are somewhat waxy......NEVER an actual powder. Could be oily if the temp is high. If you could post a better pic I could help more. Like a bigger one with them seperated.
I took this with my cell phone!
I'll try to get better ones with a digital camera!

The only prob is with the right bag powder, that supposedly it should be test E! And it is very white and a bit loose grainy powder insted of beeing like a piece of sof block of honey! I'm almost sure that is test cypionate...!
althought, it as a similar smell than my old test E and it melts on touch...
does the cyp melts in hand?
Test E powder melts quickly i remember when i held my test e bag of powder in my hand for maybe 1-1,5minute and it started to melt.