Grumpy old Git
If you don't have a hose, I'd advise you to use at least 3 separate "pipe lines" of taped together straws. I say this because the diameter of the average straw is much less then a garden hose thus it wont allow for the same amount of IVGF (Intravenous Gear Flowage).
Concearning the eggwhites, yes it is much more sensible to ingest them nasally with large amounts of D-bol, because the human body is genetically programmed to only be able to absorb .5 grams of protein per minute. But if you ingest your protein source through your nostrils with added d-bol your body will be able to absorb up to 15 grams of protein per minute. This means your PAPM ( Protein Absorption Per Minute) rate increses 30 fold! There are several studies on pregnant, non nursing, post-menopausal, hermaphrodite cockroaches that support this theory, thus it is a fact that applies to both you and I.
HUNG4RY4N is right there g1234, if you can't get any garden hose then your going to have to use 3 straws to achieve the same IVGF. The bendy straws from any fat, sorry fast food chain will be far better IMO due to the add flexibility.
I think I've seen that paper on nasal ingestion of egg whites and adding large amounts of ground Dbol makes sense as well. I'll certainly be giving this a go. I may also try the jugular for the IV as I'm really having problems on the Bench with the broomstick.
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