Prami with Deca/Mast/ TRT Test dose from beginning of cycle?


New member
41, 5th cycle, first time with 19 nor. Today I start my new cycle adding Deca and Mast to my TRT dose of Test. I will be running Deca at 400pw and Mast at 600pw along with Arimidex at .5 eod. My history with test cycles has proven I aromatize easily and for that reason I am concerned about deca and controlling prolactin. Would you recommend I run Ralox from the beginning of the cycle or just have it on hand in the event that I suspect prolactin sides?
41, 5th cycle, first time with 19 nor. Today I start my new cycle adding Deca and Mast to my TRT dose of Test. I will be running Deca at 400pw and Mast at 600pw along with Arimidex at .5 eod. My history with test cycles has proven I aromatize easily and for that reason I am concerned about deca and controlling prolactin. Would you recommend I run Ralox from the beginning of the cycle or just have it on hand in the event that I suspect prolactin sides?

Ralox will not help with prolactin gyno. Ralox will only block the e2 receptors. My advice would be to run a suitable dose of AI to deal with your high rate of aromatization. That SHOULD be enough to keep prolactin down. If not keep caber and prami on hand. Those are the only things that will combat prolactin.
I meant Prami, not Ralox. Wrote this too early in the morn. So you would not recommend preventative Prami, simply in the event of a problem?
I meant Prami, not Ralox. Wrote this too early in the morn. So you would not recommend preventative Prami, simply in the event of a problem?

You absolutely can if it gives you peace of mind. For me DA's make me feel terrible, even caber makes me nauseous, but if you can handle it and it makes you feel better I see no harm in a preventative dose. They certainly have their benefits particularly in the bedroom.