pre competition cycle - mens physique/bodybuilding


New member

28 years old
11% bf
14 years training
4 previous cycles
currently cruise on trt

This cycle is set to take me right up to competition time with the Saturday at the end of week 17 being the show.

week 1-4

dbol 40mg (ed)

week 1-10

500mg test
600mg eq

*start clen 2 weeks on/off until show
*Eph/Caff during off weeks

week 11-12

200mg test
600mg eq
50mg tren ace (eod)
50mg mast prop (eod)

week 13

200mg test
50mg tren ace (ed)
50mg mast prop (ed)

week 14-15

200 mg test
50mg tren ace (ed)
50mg mast prop (ed)
50mg anavar (ed)

week 16-17

50mg tren ace (ed)
50mg mast prop (ed)
100mg anavar (ed)

My goal is to grow into the show, as opposed to a regular bulk/cut. I stay around 10-12% body fat year round because I generally eat very clean at maintenance level calories. Because of this, I find that when it comes time to cut, less hardcore dieting is needed. I tend to lose weight very easily as well (more ectomorph).

I will be eating at a calorie surplus of about 500-1000 calories for the first 8 weeks of the cycle to help support continued growth, after which I will begin dieting hard (low carb, 5-600 cal deficit, 1xweek carb reefed). At week 10 (8 weeks from show), I will begin cycling clen 2 weeks on/off, running eph/caff during time off all the way to show. At week 11 (7 weeks out from show), I will lower test to TRT level and introduce tren/mast at 50mg EOD. At week 13 (5 weeks out from show), I will drop eq and increase tren/mast to 50mg ED. At week 14 (4 weeks out from show), I will add anavar @ 50mg ed. At week 15 (2 weeks out), I will drop test completely and increase var to 100mg ED.

*Will also be running arimidex throughout along with finasteride

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