Sunday (THE DAY)
6am meal 1 (after meal 0 in previous post)
7am leave home for tanning - near the competition venue
8am arrive, lots of fucking road closures. I wanted to KILL EVERY FUCKING ROAD WORKER
830 tanned with 2nd coat
9am briefing
930 event "starts"
1030 event really starts when ppl were allowed in....
1130 on stage after carbing up on rice cakes, honey, cranberry and wheat biscuits
1200 realised I was versing guys with their procards, OH SHIT.
1230 to 1430 slept in parts whilst watching the other sections
1530 finals "starts"
1630 finals actually start
still carbing up, took the time to carb up MORE rather than just the 150g of carbs I'd had during the day up to pre-judging. ate another 150g in this next 2 hours
1830 on stage for our routines, think I nailed mine, was one of the few that choreographed it. Fucked up a side tricep pose during it...spiked the wrong ankle.....stupid...amended quickly
1900 winners announced, I didn't make top 3 (knew it)
1930 asleep on the table with family and friends around, watching some other sections
2030 went to a mexican restaurant down the road, I'd booked in advance
2200 back home, just made it to the local grocery store to get a dohnut before bed
2230 write this post