Pre-Contest, AML Gear, 3J serviced Cycle Thread

Saturday is usually a no gym day...just cardio. But I said fuck that today, I need to work on my biceps as they're lagging.

60 mins cardio

then into biceps

BB curl
1x10 20kgs
1x4 50kgs
1x6 45kgs
1x7 45kgs
1x10 40kgs
1x10 35kgs
1x20 20kgs

single arm preacher
4x10 20kgs
2x8 15kgs

that's it, that was enough for the day, felt great

40 mins cardio in the morning

then while I was cooking my meals for the next 5 the meat going on different burners and the veggies cooking in the oven, I found time for some bodyweight

U-bend bars

4 sets of really wide pushups
4 sets of tricep pushups
4 sets of knee-up crunches
2 sets tricep dips in an L sit
2 sets L sit holds, legs going left to right >> this gets your obliques nice and fried

4 sets using the ab wheel for rollouts >> feet on ground, none of this knees on ground pussy shit

3x60 pushups

and cooking done :)

good way to spend 45 mins
pinned my right lat today, first time.

Very easy to do, funnily, the needle actually jumped out when I had pinned 1.5cc and had 0.5 left....
Not sure how it happened, maybe I was pulling down on the needle or I had moved my body

Anyway, switched the pins for a new head and then re-injected that final 0.5cc in a slightly diff location in the lat.

Hours later, it's feeling good.

If no issues, should do my left one in 2 days
as a competition update:

bought my bodybuilding trunks, got a new sapphire pair and a red pair (Snowpatrol inspired the red pair). Adding that to my black...I can at least look different on stage.

I've been practicing my posing for 10-15 mins ED.

Next weekend will be 4 weeks out...and at that point I'll start posing more.

Also, on the 16th of October I start my winny.

So hopefully some big changed in these next few weeks!
40 mins cardio

530pm leg day wooohoooooooo

smith machine front squats
1x10 bar
1x10 60kgs
1x10 80kgs
3x8 95kgs >> kept it light...was enjoying it and the increased volume I had planned would overcome heavier weights
2x10 85kgs
1x20 40kgs

4x10 100kgs

prone hamstring curl
1x10 45kgs
3x10 85kgs
1x10 75kgs
1x8 65kgs >> wanted 10, didn't get it
1x20 34kgs

leg ext
1x10 40kgs
1x4 150kgs
1x6 130kgs
1x8 120kgs
1x10 100kgs
1x20 50kgs

seated leg curl
1x10 40kgs
4x8 85kgs
1x20 40kgs

inner and outer abduction machines
4 sets of each

leg press
4x20 250kgs

leg press calf ext
8x15 250kgs >> 4 wide stance, 4 close

weighted, single leg calf raise
4 sets + 40kgs until failure


20 mins cardio to finish it off
40 mins cardio

8pm chest (worked late today)

basically copied a Phil Heath routine I watched during my cardio.

seated incline chest press
1x10 40kg
1x10 80kgs
1x10 120kgs
1x10 140
1x8 120
1x10 100
1x10 80
1x10 60
1x20 40

incline DB flys
4x15 22kgs

seated flat press machine
1x10 60kgs
4x15 100kgs
1x20 50kgs

scoop cable fly
4 sets

shoulder height cable crossovers
4 sets

my gym closes at 9pm so that's all she wrote!
40 mins cardio

530pm shoulder workout

shoulder press
1x20 60kgs warmmm up
1x15 80kgs still warming
1x10 100kgs ok warm
3x10 140kgs >> guys working out near me looking at me like "omg that's some heavy fucking weight"
2x10 120kgs
1x20 60kgs

front DB raise
3x10 25kgs

rear delt fly machine
1x10 40kgs
2x6 95kgs
2x8 85kgs
1x20 40kgs

side DB raise
3x10 18kgs >> dying here

BB upright row
2x10 50kgs
1x6 70kgs failed getting 10 out
2x8 50kgs

4x15 140kgs

5x20 hanging leg raises
30 mins cardio, didn't have time for 40 mins

5pm back workout, again, similar to a phil heath workout I watched during cardio in the morning, but with Onk variations!

1x30 bodyweight pull ups to warm up...astounded I can do 30 that easily, no stopping

hammerstrength iso lat pullover
1x10 80kgs
1x10 100kgs
1x4 140kgs
1x7 120kgs
1x9 100kgs
1x20 80kgs ...stopped a few times to get this out

head up, back slightly arched...was perfect

dead lifts
1x10 60kgs
1x10 100kgs
3x10 140kgs
2x20 100kgs

wide grip lat pulldown
1x10 70kgs
3x10 95kgs
1x20 40kgs

close grip row
4x10 80kgs
1x20 40kgs

pullover machine
1x10 110kgs
2x10 90kgs
1x10 80kgs
1x20 40kgs

wide grip row for 5 reps then underhand row for 5 reps...I like doing this and it works for now
5x10 80kgs

then I made up for my cardio by doing my regular 20 mins plus the 10 I missed earlier in the day
two things to note:

1/ last week I weighed 90.3 kgs
this week I weighed....90.4 kgs

I kept my diet up and cardio that weigh in blew me over

starting winny tomorrow :D
oh my, I didn't include Fridays log!

6am cardio
40 mins

5pm arm work out

EZ bar curls on the vertical side of preacher curl
1x10 20kgs
3x10 40kgs
1x20 30kgs

single arm preacher machine
2x10 20kgs
2x10 15kgs
1x20 10kgs

concentration DB hammer curls
1x8 22kgs
1x7 20kgs
1x8 18kgs
1x7 16kgs
1x20 8kgs


rear DB ext
1x10 20kgs
1x8 30kgs >> new PB
1x10 26kgs
1x10 24kgs
1x10 22kgs

cable straight bar press down
5 sets of the whole idea on the weight
kept my arms slightly wider to hit a diff area of the tricep

overhead rope extension
super drop set style, choose my max weight, then do 4 reps
then drop next weight down, 4 reps
and so forth until I rep out on basically no weight

20 mins cardio after

9am quick leg session targeting specific things

single leg press
3x20 80kgs

prone hamstring curl
2x6 75kgs
2x10 55kgs
1x20 30kgs

leg curl
1x10 65kgs
2x6 95kgs
2x10 65kgs
1x15 30kgs

close leg press
4x20 450kgs


40 mins cardio
so I've been obsessed with this video and song lately. Think I had it on repeat for my entire cardio session today....

6am cardio
30 mins @130bpm

5pm leg session

all squat racks got taken just as I came I had a massive wait ahead of me, decided to modify my routine...

leg press close stance
1x20 200kgs
3x15 450kgs

leg press wide stance
3x15 450kgs
1x50 250kgs

Let me tell you, that's a fucking work out. I'm on the floor, legs all jacked with blood, not being able to curl my leg afterwards. It was insane.

walking DB lunges
4x20 (10 each leg) +40kgs

prone hamstring curl, wide legs, knees facing in
1x10 45kgs
3x10 75kgs
1x10 50kgs

leg extension
1x10 60kgs
3x8 110kgs
1x30 50kgs >> burn mother fucker, focus on left leg which isn't quite as good as my right

seated calf ext // 2 sets wide, 2 sets close stance
4x15 400kgs

single leg donkey calf raise
3 sets close, 3 sets wide

all up, 6x10 @ +90kgs


30 mins cardio
@ 130bpm :)

after that I need some bloody food PRONTO
When you say close stance Onk how close do you mean?

I started something a few weeks back that made a huge improvement on my outer sweep. I use a leg sled, not sure if you have one but a leg press will work too.

Feet together, knees together and never move from that p osition. Go down as far as you can, which wont be very far and then contract, its a short movement and you can move a lot of weight doing it but its the best thing for hitting that outer sweep that a lot of people don't have.

lol stupid thing wont let me write p ostition without it being all asterisks, da hell.
When you say close stance Onk how close do you mean?

I started something a few weeks back that made a huge improvement on my outer sweep. I use a leg sled, not sure if you have one but a leg press will work too.

Feet together, knees together and never move from that p osition. Go down as far as you can, which wont be very far and then contract, its a short movement and you can move a lot of weight doing it but its the best thing for hitting that outer sweep that a lot of people don't have.

lol stupid thing wont let me write p ostition without it being all asterisks, da hell.

close stance with feet 5-10cm apart
neutral with feet shoulder width
wide stance with feet 10cm wider than shoulder on each side

I love the close stance for front squats, leg press and calves. Agreed, quad sweep improves dramatically whilst doing it this way
40 mins cardio
120 bpm

5pm arms workout
biceps first

BB curl
1x10 25kg
1x10 35kg
3x10 45kg
2x8 35kg
1x20 15kg

verticle preacher ez bar curl (emphasis on bottom range of motion)
4x10 25kgs

preacher machine hammer curl (emphasis on top range of motion)
3x10 15kgs each arm
2x8 10kgs each arm

triceps, nice and simple tonight

cable press down
6x12 max machine idea but it's heavy as fuck

rope overhead ext
3x10 70kgs

rope overhead ext, super duper drop set, continuous set like so:
1x6 70kgs
1x4 65kgs
1x4 60kgs
1x4 55kgs
1x4 50kgs
1x4 45kg
1x4 40kgs
1x4 35kgs
1x4 30kgs
1x4 25kgs
1x4 20kgs
1x4 15kgs
1x20 10kgs

got that painful pump afterwards. extending my arms is not fun, walking around like a gorilla shopping afterwards
40 mins cardio
@120 bpm
watched dexter Jackson youtube videos today, honestly, phil heath's are loads better. Dexter isn't a showman.

5:30pm shoulder day

2 sets of 10 @ 14kgs, DB side raise to warm up my shoulders. been feeling inflammation lately so wanted to warm up nicely

ok lets get into it!

Shoulder press
1x10 80kgs
3x8 140kgs
2x10 100kgs
1x20 50kgs

underhand BB front raise
4x12 25kgs >> never done this before, it's intense after the shoulder press. really targets the front of the delt

side lat raise machine
1x15 50kgs
1x4 90kgs
2x10 70kgs
1x20 40kgs

reverse pec dec (for rear delt fly)
1x10 50kgs
3x10 85kgs
1x10 75kgs
1x20 40kgs

shrug machine
4x15 160kgs

and then

20 mins cardio again :D
Now, something that hasn't happened until today.

I've been taking tren for weeks and it's kicked in a long time ago. But this afternoon was the first day I felt AGGRESSIVE!

I could chew rocks and smash walls.

I has laser focus and the gym was my bitch today.

I hit all the weights I wanted and didn't fail on sets. If I needed a second...I took it, but I finished every mother fucking set!

Even finishing with the cardio, I fucking destroyed it. Pushed everything hard today and loved it!
40 mins cardio

chest day

plate loaded, seated incline press
1x10 40kgs
1x10 80kgs
1x10 120kgs
1x8 140kgs
so I thought why the fuck not, go for a PB !
1x3.5 160kgs
1x7 140kgs
1x6 120kgs
1x10 80kgs
1x20 40kgs

pec fly
1x10 50kgs
3x6 110kgs
1x8 90kgs
1x20 45kgs

seated press machine
4x10 100kgs

cable scoops
4 sets

cable downwards fly
4 sets

20 mins cardio postWO