6am cardio
20 mins cross trainer
20 mins bike
all at 130bpm
6pm workout >>> arms
tricep press
4x8 @ 120kgs
2x10 @ 100kgs
Db tricep extension, bent over
1x10 20kgs
2x4 28kgs
1x8 24kgs
1x6 24kgs
1x10 20kgs
tricep pressdown machine
7x10 115kgs (max weight on the machine)
chatted up this gorgeous, blonde norwegian girl between sets. she was doing box squats and it was hard not to watch, so talking to her allowed me too....
bb curl
2x8 35kgs
2x6 40kgs
1x4 45kgs
2x10 35kgs (dying here, really dying)
5xfatigue 20kgs, emphasis on the initial movement until half contracted
DB hammer curls, one arm at a time
1x8 20kgs
2x8 18kgs
1x6 18kgs
2x6 16kgs
1x6 14kgs
cable bicep curl
medium weight, just did 4 sets of total failure.
I had a burst of inspiration before doing this, thinking that others are working harder than me, so I pushed harder and harder, until I really, truly couldn't do anymore.