Pre-Contest, AML Gear, 3J serviced Cycle Thread

For some reason my computer won't let me load I'm on my phone.

Brief update:

Worked on my diet with 3J and am on a 2500k carb cycle down from 4k. Lost 2 kilos this first week.

Helping this i am doing an hour of steady state cardio every morning at the gym. Mixing it up between bike, arc and cross trainers.

Looks like i can do the state contest on 14 and 15 mov after all. They agreed to weigh me in early. Guess threatening to compete in another state helped my case.

Hopefully get this computer problem fixed soon so i can post full logs
re-formatted my computer which fixed it. When the errors were across 3 browsers and choking my net, I knew I had serious issues.

Friday morning
weight = 98kgs

20 mins interval training on the bike (barely an interval, just moving my heart rate from 120 to 140)
20 mins steady on the cross trainer

will be doing arms tonight
night time session was arms

Triceps up first:

4x DB overhead extension, not the best focus, was talking to this gorgeous chick with an amazing body between sets, so breaks were longer
8x tricep bar pushdown, was really liking it tonight
4x tricep dip machine, each set until fatigue


5x BB curls
4x cable bar curls, done whilst kneeling
4x DB preacher hammer curls
On another note, a 10 days after injecting into my right pec...I still have a lump where I injected. It is quite solid, under the skin.
Almost like the deposit hasn't dissolved/dispersed.

Anyone else has this problem?
I have this from time to time. Its almost like the muscle knots up. I only have this happen in my pecs. I find stretching and massaging it out with a lacrosse ball really helps.
I have this from time to time. Its almost like the muscle knots up. I only have this happen in my pecs. I find stretching and massaging it out with a lacrosse ball really helps.

Roger that, will try it over the next day or so. It feels like it has gotten smaller, though I'm reticent to inject into it since it's already...lumpy
6am morning cardio:
40 mins on the cross trainer, heart rate at 130bpm

evening back workout >>> goal today was to focus on tensing the muscles before each set, activating them, then starting the pulls. I did lighter weights but really focused on tensing when fully contracted.

8 sets wide grip pull ups
10 unweights
8 +10kgs
8+ 10kgs
4 +20kgs
4 +20kgs
5 +10kgs
5 +10kgs
until fatigued unweighted

5x10 Yates row

Behind head pulldown

T bar row
2x10 60kgs
2x8 80kgs
1x10 60kgs

Lat pulldown machine
4x 100kgs until failure for each
6am cardio:
20 mins on the bike
20 mins on the cross trainer
heart at 130 bpm

Evening workout, chest:

Similar goal to back yesterday, wanted lower weights and to squeeze

Flat bench
10x bar
10x 60kgs
10x 100kgs
6x 120kgs
4x 120kgx
4x 120kgs
6x 110kgs
6x 100kgs pause reps
6x 100kgs 2 sec pauses
10x 60kgs 3 sec pauses

Incline smith machine
10x 60kgs
10x 100kgs
10x 100kgs
8x 100kgs fatiguing here
7x 100kgs
10x 80kgs 2 sec pauses
6x 80kgs 2 sec pauses

DB flys
4x10 25kgs each hand

cable scoop
4x10 no idea on weight just enough I can get 10 out.
superset into wide arm pushups until failure

tricep pressdown machine, very wide grip

10x 115kgs
8x 110kgs
6x 100kgs
10x 90kgs
10x 80kgs
20x 40kgs

and blasteddddddd
No morning cardio this morning, did an hour kettlebell class in the pm which was more than enough...maybe too much.

Sumo squats
10x 60kgs
10x 100kgs
10x 100kgs
10x 100kgs
10x 100kgs
10x 80kgs

okay this didn't fatigue me, but it felt really fucking good to do these after a long hiatus!

single leg press ::: after doing one leg go straight onto the other leg then straight back to the other. becomes a long continous set
5x10 150kgs

prone leg curl
4x8 115kgs
2x10 9kgs

seated leg ext
4x10 110kgs
1x4 150kgs
2x8 100kgs
1x20 40kgs

Then it was 6:15pm so headed so the kettlebell pump class. Was my friend teaching and she snuck my gf in free so hit that for an hour. Box jumps SUCKED after doing squats
weigh in day:
95.5kgs today. Lost 1kg from last week.

Morning Cardio:
35 mins on the cross trainer at 130bpm
10 mins doing weighted calf extensions +60kgs on bodyweight, as I didn't do this yesterday

Evening workout ::: Shoulders

6x10 Shoulder press @ 110kgs

4x8 side lat raise @ 14kgs

6x10 weighted rear delt machine @ +40kgs

3x6 front lat raises on Barbell, 40kgs

4x10 smith machine upright rows @80kgs

5x20 shrug machine @ 140kgs

After doing arms tomorrow, I'll go back to doing straight reverse pyramids again. Even though I'm cutting I feel like I can still get stronger so this is the way I can do it...
6am cardio
20 mins cross trainer
20 mins bike
all at 130bpm

6pm workout >>> arms

tricep press
4x8 @ 120kgs
2x10 @ 100kgs

Db tricep extension, bent over
1x10 20kgs
2x4 28kgs
1x8 24kgs
1x6 24kgs
1x10 20kgs

tricep pressdown machine
7x10 115kgs (max weight on the machine)
chatted up this gorgeous, blonde norwegian girl between sets. she was doing box squats and it was hard not to watch, so talking to her allowed me too....

bb curl
2x8 35kgs
2x6 40kgs
1x4 45kgs
2x10 35kgs (dying here, really dying)
5xfatigue 20kgs, emphasis on the initial movement until half contracted

DB hammer curls, one arm at a time
1x8 20kgs
2x8 18kgs
1x6 18kgs
2x6 16kgs
1x6 14kgs

cable bicep curl
medium weight, just did 4 sets of total failure.
I had a burst of inspiration before doing this, thinking that others are working harder than me, so I pushed harder and harder, until I really, truly couldn't do anymore.
Keep it up Onk!! Keep that mindset that someone else is always doing more and you will succeed no matter what.

Gets very hard sometimes!

I know how to hit my muscles so I feel like I've given 100% and then am sore for days, but at the same point, that becomes a habit. So I have to consciously think everyday that someone is chasing me, but I won't let them get to my dreams before I do.

The 6am cardio is hardest. Wake I go back to bed and sleep for another hour, is my back really that sore? Would I be better taking a day off? Am I overtraining? Will this lack of sleep affect my work?
It goes through my mind everyday. I always crush the thoughts and get up...but it's there!

Then there's meals. I have 1.2g of EQ in my system and am hungry as fuck, going from 5k calories down to 2.5kish on a carb cycle. I"M ALWAYS HUNGRY!!! No carbs on saturday and sunday suck. Can feel my stomach eating itself.

Then there's working out alone. Gets lonely.

One of the reasons I like Shawn Rhoden - the first 4 minutes of this video. Shows just how lonely it can be.
I absolutely LOVE training by myself man. Its a time where I can forget get about whatevers on my mind, turn the music up and get to business.

I do know that little voice youre talking about though. Mine wouldnt allow me to successfully complete a prep...Hehe.
missed yesterday's log.

pinned my 2nd last injection of the EQ, going to miss it. Though now I'm cutting...i'll be better off without it!

1g of test is working out nicely, body changing and adex at 0.4mg EoD is more than enough.
mast e still at 800mgs

missed the morning cardio, didn't sleep well at all and this week at work is going to be big (I work on commission).

Night workout >>> Legs

10min walk on the tread mill to warm up

BB squats, light weight with pause reps today
1x10 60kgs
1x10 100kgs
3x6 140kgs (bit hard to pause with this weight, but did a bit)
1x10 100kgs
1x10 80kgs
1x20 60kgs, 2 sec pauses

still leg dead lifts
1x20 60kgs warm up
4x10 120kgs
2x8 140kgs
2x6 100kgs
1x10 60kgs

single leg press
7xas much as I can do per leg @150kgs per leg

prone hamstring curl
3x10 135kgs (both legs together)

single leg curl machine
3x8 65kgs per leg
2x6 55kgs per leg, slow reps, right leg felt weaker so emphasised the motion

leg extension
4x10 130kgs (both legs)

outer and inner abductors as a super set
3x each machine, couldn't care about the weight, slow and emphasising the squeeze.

LOVE these machines. typically associated as being chick machines but great for those posing muscles that show on contest day!

leg press extensions
10x20 65kgs per leg (bit of volume)

6am cardio
40 mins on the cross trainer at 130 bpm

night was chest + abs

decline bench
1x20 60kgs
1x10 100kgs
failed at 140kgs
1x5 130kgs
1x6 130kgs
2x9 110kgs
1x10 100kgs
1x15 60kgs

incline smith guillotine press
4x10 110kgs

seated press machine
4x8 110kgs

cable crossover
4x10 not sure the weight, enough I can barely get 10 out

DB flys
3x8 20kg DBs

Abs superset x 5

swiss ball crunches to failure
lying side to side heel touches
crunch holds