Pre-Contest, AML Gear, 3J serviced Cycle Thread

Do you like the guillotine presses Onk?

I find them to be murder on my shoulders :o Last time I did them my one shoulder was a mess for about a week lol. Very effecitve at targeting upper pecs though, theres no doubt about that.
Do you like the guillotine presses Onk?

I find them to be murder on my shoulders :o Last time I did them my one shoulder was a mess for about a week lol. Very effecitve at targeting upper pecs though, theres no doubt about that.

I really like them, because I do shoulders the day after chest it can cause earlier fatigue the next day, but honestly, like them a lot. I have less shoulder problems doing it on the smith machine and on incline then flat bench and on normal bench unassisted.
6:15am cardio
40 mins on the cross trainer at 130bpm (pretty repetitive as I do this every day yes.....)

6pm weights >>> Shoulders

Shoulder press
1x20 50kgs
1x10 110kgs
1x8 110kgs
1x7 110kgs
1x6 110kgs
1x5 110kgs
1x4 110kgs (i didn't mean for it to be so perfect but my body just couldn't do more)
10x 45kgs

DB front raise
1x10 14kgs
1x5 18kgs
1x4 18kgs
2x8 14kgs

Side lat raise machine
1x10 50kgs
1x5 80kgs
2x8 60kgs

Upright rows
3x10 60kgs

Rear delt flys
1x10 80kgs
3x6 110kgs
1x10 80kgs
1x20 40kgs (then some asian kids jumped on and laughed at my light weight, mother fuckers)

3x10 140kgs
3x10 100kgs
3x10 60kgs (paused for 3 secs at the top of each rep)
6:30am cardio, slept in oops!

WEIGH IN DAY, lost another kg over the week, BOOM!

40 mins cross trainer @ 120bpm
wasn't feeling it today....

530pm back workout, bit sore, so didn't do dead lifts

weighted pull ups
1x20 bodyweight
1x10 +10kgs
3x6 +20kgs
1x8 +10kgs
1xfailure bodyweight

close grip row
4x8 100kgs

close grip pulldown
1x15 80kgs
3x6 120kgs
2x8 100kgs
straight into dropset of 20x50kgs

DB overhead lat row (whatever it is called)
3x6 35kg DB

Bent over row
3x10 80kgs
2x10 60kgs
then just the bar to finish off

have a massive head ache and a sore lower back so got out of there!!
signed with 3j for another year, got plenty of plans and need guidance to execute them!

woke up at 6am for cardio but back was hurting to slept in to 7am then went to work.

PM arms workout

DB extensions
28 kg per arm, 3x10

tricep pressdown
4x6 140kgs

tricep ext machine
3x8 115kgs
1x20 50kgs

preacher curl
8x6 45kgs
2x10 35kgs
1x10 20kgs

bent over DB hammer curls
4x18kgs each arm in isolation

edit: did my 40 mins of cardio post workout.
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6am fasted cardio
40 mins on the bike @ 120bpm
is getting harder as I'm getting better at the cardio, much harder to hit 130 bpm...

6pm legs session

now the aim of the day was volume. With my back hurting I'm not doing to squat or do D-lifts this week, so I have every chance to SMASH my legs with sheer weight and volume.

5 mins on the cross trainer to warm up

leg press:
1x20 100kgs to warm up
8x15 230kgs
3x10 150kgs
1x20 85kgs
that's a fucking workout right there!
was falling on the floor exhausted after the first 6 sets, but kept getting up and doing more!

leg extension + squat against a wall hold for 30 secs, 15 sec rest break then back to the start
1x10 60kgs
5x8 100kgs
2x10 50kgs

leg curl
6x10 90kgs

inner and outer abduction machine superset
inner = 5x15 150kgs
outer = 5x15 130kgs

prone hamstring curl
2x8 95kgs
3x6 85kgs

calf extension >> 2 second pause at the top
15x10 120kgs + bodyweight

did 5 sets wide stance, 5 sets shoulder width, 5 sets feet together

5 min cardio on the bike to cool down

*** bit more cardio today, Father's day yesterday in Aus so had two meals that were more calories that should have been consumed...
Really love ur stack bro ur workouts look tight also


bit of thought goes into my workouts each day.

Takes me 15 mins to walk to the gym from work and I'm usually dressed and focused for the gym as soon as I'm out of the door. Some days I like volume, others pause reps, others reverse pyramids and others I do a bodypart on 2-3 machines...matters what suits me best!
Nice leg workout!! I hardly ever do quats anymore and you can get a damn good workout it without squats.

agreed. now that I'm so much stronger (thank you AML EQ and test :P ,) my lower back is getting worse for wear squatting past parallel. I think I'm better doing front squats on a smith machine and leaving my back for Dead lifts. More bang for buck...
For sure. I did squats the other day for the first time in a long time after the last two times hurting my back. Just not worth it IMO anymore.

Ill stick to one legged on the smith or hack squat or leg sled.

Come to think of it I only do one of the big 3 and thats bench, lol. Deads are murder on my back too. :)
For sure. I did squats the other day for the first time in a long time after the last two times hurting my back. Just not worth it IMO anymore.

Ill stick to one legged on the smith or hack squat or leg sled.

Come to think of it I only do one of the big 3 and thats bench, lol. Deads are murder on my back too. :)

honestly, I'm about the same. I alternate between doing deads and squats so I guess 2/3...
so quick update, finished EQ, dropped the test e down to 500mg, test p and tren will start as of Sunday.
that'll put me back to 950mg of test (450 test p, 500 test e) + 450mg tren a + 800mg mast e.

here comes the final eight weeekkkkkks!
615 am cardio
cross trainer for 40 minutes

530pm chest workout >> got out of work early and had a dinner to go to for partners dad's bday

flat bench press
1x10 60kgs
1x10 100kgs
1x4 130kgs
1x6 120kgs
1x6 110kgs
1x8 100kgs
1x16 60kgs

incline guillotine press
1x10 60kgs
1x8 100kgs
1x4 120kgs
1x8 100kgs
1x6 100kgs
1x10 60kgs

DB flys
4x10 20kg DBs

cable cross over, scoop grip
4x8 @ 15 resistance...whatever that means

cable cross over, downwards grip
4x8 @20 resistance

tricep pressdown machine, wide chest grip
1x1 failed @ 115kgs
1x8 95 kgs
2x6 95kgs
1x10 45kgs

and done!

tomorrow I'll be doing an am workout and afternoon cardio, going out to dinner with cousins.
mixed it up as I explained last post due to commitments.

615am shoulder workout

BB seated shoulder press
1x10 60kgs
1x4 120kgs
1x6 100kgs
1x8 90kgs
1x20 60kgs burnnnnnning

DB side raises
3x12 16kg DBs

rear delt fly machine
1x10 64kgs
1x4 110kgs
1x6 100kgs
1x8 95kgs
1x20 60kgs burnnnninggg again

front DB raises
3x10 16kgs

shrug machine
3x12 140kgs

5pm cardio
35 mins on the cross trainer at 140bpm (bit faster today due to less than 40 mins on the machine)
615am cardio
40 mins cross trainer at 130bpm
watched Kai Greene - Day in a life
was good.

6pm back workout
now this was a back workout that I feel like I GREW. Was pumped, lifted weight and felt great doing it. Massive pauses got me some good blood flow

1x10 pulls ups as warm up
5 min stretching

shoulder width, palms facing me, pulldown
1x10 60kgs
1x4 130kgs
1x6 115kgs
2x8 110kgs
1x20 55kgs

yates row
1x10 60kgs
1x4 110kgs
1x6 100kgs
1x8 100kgs
1x20 60kgs

behind head pulldown
3x10 80kgs, small range of motion, from behind head and up 20 cm, then back behind head

corner row
1x10 35kgs
1x10 50kgs
1x8 65kgs
1x4 80kgs
1x6 65kgs
1x6 50kgs
1x20 40 kgs

3x as many as I can do
also worked out my back aches were from the constant cialis use. Dialled it back and haven't used it for 3 days...back problems gone!
had been using rui cialis 5mg EoD
Ok I slept in today, woke up at 8am, which is when I'm meant to be at work...

I've taken Mr P's advice (if ppl have seen the old thread) and trained Biceps before Triceps today as they're my weaker muscle group. My tris are strong and well formed, my biceps....not as good.

Arms >>>


Standing DB curls, one arm then the other, both arms is one rep
1x10 16kg DBs
1x8 24kg
1x6 28kgs
1x5 28kgs
1x5 28kgs
4x8 20kgs

Seated hammer curls
3x10 20kgs
2x10 16kgs
1x20 10kgs

Preacher curl, both arms now
1x12 35kgs
1x6 50kgs
1x3 50kgs
2x6 40kgs
1x8 30kgs
1x10 20kgs
1x20 10kgs

BOOM and that was fucking epic. Insane pump, strong contractions and the heaviest DBs I've ever curled. Wasn't ego lifting either, I did these nice and slow. Crazy.

Triceps :::

used the lat pull down machine for a tricep extension on the bar
1x10 35kgs
4x10 55kgs
2x8 45kgs
1x20 25kgs

tricep press
4x12-14ish 125kgs

overhead rope extension
4x10 80kgs


Caught up on my cardio.

40 mins on cross trainer at 130bpm
watched half of Straight Out of Compton (thank you torrents). Good movie thus far.
Have you tried supersetting inner biceps with outer biceps mate?
The pumps from this combo are unreal....

Another method worth trying is to superset a fixed elbow exercise (ie: preachers) with a cable exercise...
Again, this will burn like a mother, but I've always made great gains finishing with either of these combos!
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