Pre-Contest Cycle



Here is what I was thinking of running,

Test Prop (16 Weeks @ 500 mg/wk)
Winnie (6 weeks @ 50mg/day)
Nolva (10mg e3d)
I am prone to gyno

I have competed naturally, but in the NPC regulations are so vague that there is really no such thing as a natural show. I am looking at competing this year but have no idea where to start as for gear. I have taken gear when I was younger, but stayed natural for a few years and have finally made the decision to use gear. My current stats are 5'6" 185lbs and 12% body fat. I want to really have a great pre-contest cycle and just am looking for suggestions. I am very limited on what I can get so that's why I am choosing winnie in place on anavar. Please help, I feel like a lost little pup, LOL.
Age? How long you been lifting? How many cycles?

If you're prone to gyno then I wouldn't recommend Nolva E3D, I'd definitely go for something like Arimidex through out the cycle or if you can't get ahold of that consider alternatives such as Letrozole. I'm not prone to gyno and I still use Arimidex on cycle, helps with my libido too. Then I keep Letrozole on hand too so IF I ever spotted signs of gyno and Arimidex was becoming ineffective Letrozole would pretty much shut down estrogen somewhat (and has even been used to reverse gyno in some cases).

So keep Nolva for PCT in my opinion, grab some Arimidex and Letrozole for on cycle - better to be safe than sorry. I read an article somewhere about Nolva (SERM) hindering gains more than Arimidex (AI) as well, also why I don't think its the best option.
A better option is aromisin(exemestane) for on cycle and post cycle therapy (pct). Aromisin will increase igf levels, where nolva will reduce them, and there are many other benefits but google will give you all of those.

There is a lot more info needed to really look at a pre comp cycle and there are many opinions on it. Some people run all the way thru, some drop all adrogens a few weeks out. Most start with long esters, and switch to SE gear the last 8 weeks or so. Winstrol (winny) is good the weeks before going in to pull water off of you and giving a much drier look. I'm a fan of anadrol when cutting going into contest because it will keep the muscle full but you have to be careful with diet and not best if you don't know exactly what you are doing.

List out contest dates, exact number of weeks you have until then, a list of option for AAS, and you goals. Are you looking to bulk for a certain time then cut, or looking for a lean mass cycle. There are a lot of variables to take into account.
Sorry guys a lot of info I left out. I am 28 years old and have been seriously training since 2005. I have been lifting since 1999 or so but never thought of competing until a guy at the gym said that I had great muscle insertions and full muscle bellies. That was in 2004. I waited to compete until 2009 to even out my problem areas. This will be my fourth cycle. I did most of my cycles before I had any business doing them to be honest. The first when I was 19 and sus 250 was the drug and I had got gyno from the last injection I doubled to 500 mg and then came off. (young and dumb) The next cycle was winsrtol (vetrinarian based) by itself. To be honest I do not even know the dosing. I did 1 cc every other day until it ran out. The last cycle I ran was in 2010 after my show when I was really upset after talking to guys backstage of a NATURAL show and they were all saying I ran this and that I just cut out the test 12 weeks out and ran the water based until 2 weeks out. So, after the show I ran a test enthanate. I ran in by itself in a fashion of tapering up to 600 mg by week 5 and then back down to 300 mg and off by week 12. Nolva and clomid has been the PCT of choice for all cycles.
I am looking for somewhere in July to Sept as for a show, schedule has not been released yet. I am looking for a lean mass gain cycle right now and then a full on pre-contest leading up to the show. As of now I counted minimum 32 weeks. Like I said I am new to figuring out all the sciences on what works, but now I am just sick of people saying take this and take that. I am really looking forward to educating myself on this part of bodybuilding!
As for what I have access to, I know any type of test, anavar and winnie, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), nolva, the only problem is it is from a guy I know so I am just hoping it is legit. He says I can get anything, but when I inquired the other day he keeps telling me he hasn't heard anything. I am beginning to think he is full of it but I will keep the faith. The main problem I have is I train at a gym where I really keep to myself so I haven't really reached out.
\ I'm a fan of anadrol when cutting going into contest because it will keep the muscle full but you have to be careful with diet and not best if you don't know exactly what you are doing.

Do you mean gear wise or diet wise? If the diet is the concern, my diet while in pre-contest is spot on.
32 weeks out from the show stay away from winny... test/deca would be a good run to start with, something like 750mg test/500mg deca for 15 weeks... then transition into the test prop/winny u were talking about in the first post...
China has a good point. I was saying with drol that you would have to be very careful pre contest because you could retain water.

I know there are some good logs with contest cycles and pre contest in one of the forums. RJ has a really detailed log but it's a few years old. Look around for it or if I can find it I'll post a link for you.

As far as gear, stick around and make some friends. Relying on some guy at the gym is the worst and most expensive way to go and you don't want to get a little at a time then run out. Get all that you need so you have it and don't have to worry.

I'll try to find that log for you tomorrow.
drol is great pre-contest User, but just like u mentioned most guys don't dial their diet in enough to make it effective... was a favorite of former Olympia Mr. Yates
I know there are some good logs with contest cycles and pre contest in one of the forums. RJ has a really detailed log but it's a few years old. Look around for it or if I can find it I'll post a link for you.

I'll try to find that log for you tomorrow.

Thanks, I will do some research today as well. As for gear, I know not the best way to obtain it, but right now it is the only way. I will definitely be staying around to better educate myself because there is so much to know other than "take this and take that and you will be huge."
Throw in some HGH or peptides to tie in all your muscles you wont regret it. You will need something to genetically stimulate muscular growth as well as cell volumizing.

Try a peptide combo like CJC/GHRP or just IGF LR3 or IGF Des. Lot's to choose from for that extra genetic boost you want with your gear.
Here is what I was thinking of running,

Test Prop (16 Weeks @ 500 mg/wk)
Winnie (6 weeks @ 50mg/day)
Nolva (10mg e3d)
I am prone to gyno

I have competed naturally, but in the NPC regulations are so vague that there is really no such thing as a natural show. I am looking at competing this year but have no idea where to start as for gear. I have taken gear when I was younger, but stayed natural for a few years and have finally made the decision to use gear. My current stats are 5'6" 185lbs and 12% body fat. I want to really have a great pre-contest cycle and just am looking for suggestions. I am very limited on what I can get so that's why I am choosing winnie in place on anavar. Please help, I feel like a lost little pup, LOL.
I agree with osta as well. Gh is excellent but would be dropped a few weeks out to ensure water comes off.

I'm a huge fan of mod grf and a ghrp, igf DES pre workout and lr3 pwo. Tb-500 is also supposed to have the healing properties of gh. Igf is especially good when lean.
TB-500 is definitely one of the best of products to recently come out. Unbelievable what researchers just keep coming out with.
I agree with osta as well. Gh is excellent but would be dropped a few weeks out to ensure water comes off.

I'm a huge fan of mod grf and a ghrp, igf DES pre workout and lr3 pwo. Tb-500 is also supposed to have the healing properties of gh. Igf is especially good when lean.
TB-500 is definitely one of the best of products to recently come out. Unbelievable what researchers just keep coming out with.

So, from my understanding TB-500 is a natural product that has the effect of gh. The use originated from racing horses as they eliminated the use of steroids from racing. I could be totally off, but this is what I have gathered from this.

I would like to add gh, but at 300 a month it is not in the budget at this point.(Price I was given a few months back)

This is why I figured a compound cycle would suit best and given my timeline for competition I thought of running the lean mass prior to the pre contest cycle. I am starting to dial the diet in with carb cycling right now. I have done this in the past as far as dieting for a show. My last show, even though it was without gear I dieted for 24 weeks and was stil a few weeks out from peak condition. This is why I am beginning my prep now.
Yes that's exactly right. If you are going to choose an option to simulate HGH effects in your research animals. TB-500 is probably a good choice outside of maybe a cjc/ghrp combo. The inventors did a nice job with this compound.

Good luck in your prep fellow competitor. Let us know how you do in your next comp.
So, from my understanding TB-500 is a natural product that has the effect of gh. The use originated from racing horses as they eliminated the use of steroids from racing. I could be totally off, but this is what I have gathered from this.

I would like to add gh, but at 300 a month it is not in the budget at this point.(Price I was given a few months back)

This is why I figured a compound cycle would suit best and given my timeline for competition I thought of running the lean mass prior to the pre contest cycle. I am starting to dial the diet in with carb cycling right now. I have done this in the past as far as dieting for a show. My last show, even though it was without gear I dieted for 24 weeks and was stil a few weeks out from peak condition. This is why I am beginning my prep now.
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Would dosing run the same way as hgh for the TB-500? 1-5 IU a day.
Ok guys, after hearing and researching around I have decided to do this,

Test Cyp 500mg/week 10 Weeks
Deca 300mg/week 10 weeks
This will be for lean mass gain

This is pre-contest, I may add TB-500 or hgh pending on price.
Test Pro 500mg/week 12 Weeks out until 2 weeks out
Winny 50mg/day 6 weeks out until 1 week out

The only question I have is should I go with letro or arimidex during the cycle because of gyno tendencies? My post cycle therapy (pct) will be the Nolva/Clomid Protocol BTW.
Hey n8, so you're going to be on for 10 weeks, then off for 10 weeks, then on for 11 weeks right?

Just making sure I understand what you've outlined. I'm trying to figure out how to cycle next year for comp too.
As of now this is the plan, but I may run straight through as long as my bloodwork is within ranges. I would just extend the test.