Pre-cycle before/after pics.


New member
Hi guys. I have been researching and lurking in many AAS forums and found this one. It seems to be the one with the least amount of smart asses. :beertoast

This first picture was taken just before Feb of this year. I have lifted off and on for several years but have never had the motivation I have now. In this pic, I was 5'10'', 202lbs. Lifetime high for me. I decided to do something and I have been in the gym 3-5 times per week since. My diet has been my downfall as my physique isn't where it should be for someone that has been in the gym for 5 months. I have since changed it and my diet has been solid for the past few weeks.

I'm about to run a cycle of Test-e 500mg/wk. I have nolva on hand for PCT and if gyno becomes an issue. I am down to 190 but still far too much body fat. Do you guys think that my base is good enough to start this cycle?

Comments and suggestions are welcomed and encouraged.
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Hi guys. I have been researching and lurking in many AAS forums and found this one. It seems to be the one with the least amount of smart asses. :beertoast

This first picture was taken just before Feb of this year. I have lifted off and on for several years but have never had the motivation I have now. In this pic, I was 5'10'', 202lbs. Lifetime high for me. I decided to do something and I have been in the gym 3-5 times per week since. My diet has been my downfall as my physique isn't where it should be for someone that has been in the gym for 5 months. I have since changed it and my diet has been solid for the past few weeks.

I'm about to run a cycle of Test-e 500mg/wk. I have nolva on hand for post cycle therapy (pct) and if gyno becomes an issue. I am down to 190 but still far too much body fat. Do you guys think that my base is good enough to start this cycle?

Comments and suggestions are welcomed and encouraged.

I see good improvement from the first pic. Go for the cycle, doesn't sound like your a religious bodybuilder, but maybe the cycle will make you wanna hit the weights harder and more consistant and even make your diet a little bit better as well, always does for me.

First two pics give me reason to believe that gyno symptoms may appear quite easily for you though, get an A/I and run it through the entire cycle, Nolva is not a great choice while ON cycle as it is when running post cycle.
ur gains are gonna be so minimal and youre not going to get the look u want by running a cycle just a more solid u with lesser fat but probably not what youre looking for train for a while with about 20 reps perfect form full range of motion with occasional heavy days and a very minimal sized portion diet and not 6 meals cardio 3x a week outside one of the days as well then u should be ready by the beginning of next year...these guys r so obsessed with sauce that theyd recomend it to u and bash other people by reading and re writing different posts...ur body fat is way to high, the water retent is gonna be rediculous and youll prob loose a decent amount on the post cycle...ur looking for quality muscle...and dont have enough for a cycle to complete ur look...u must have around 18% bf get it to 12 while changing the way u look muscularly by my training advice, then ur ready then you'll like ur look better...i mean u must have only been training for 2 years max...the training ur doing is already producing results via ur pics
ur gains are gonna be so minimal and youre not going to get the look u want by running a cycle just a more solid u with lesser fat but probably not what youre looking for train for a while with about 20 reps perfect form full range of motion with occasional heavy days and a very minimal sized portion diet and not 6 meals cardio 3x a week outside one of the days as well then u should be ready by the beginning of next year...these guys r so obsessed with sauce that theyd recomend it to u and bash other people by reading and re writing different posts...ur body fat is way to high, the water retent is gonna be rediculous and youll prob loose a decent amount on the post cycle...ur looking for quality muscle...and dont have enough for a cycle to complete ur look...u must have around 18% bf get it to 12 while changing the way u look muscularly by my training advice, then ur ready then you'll like ur look better...i mean u must have only been training for 2 years max...the training ur doing is already producing results via ur pics

bro...your a clown. Read what you just wrote. Rome wasn't built in a day, 1 cycle isn't gonna make him jay cutler, but it will improve his overall physique. He's not looking to compete after this cycle, just wants a slightly better body then what he has right now. Anabolic steroids help with this process. Yea im a "sauce head" but I dont reccomend cycles to people who sit on the couch and eat donuts all day and think a shot will help them loose bodyfat... His third picture looks fine and IS a great base to start a cycle.. It seems like he is motivated now and all the cycle will do is further increase his motivation and probably clean his diet up a bit... My training and diet is pretty good right now off cycle, but I know when im about to start a cycle my motivation, diet and training routine sky rockets.
That's pretty much what I want..."more solid with lesser fat" lol

I wondered about the high body fat but figured that with a tight diet and heavy lifting, I could get some really decent gains and with correct PCT, retain a lot of the size and strength.

I guess I have done a "dirty bulk" but my muscle density has really improved. In that first pic, if I would have done a double bi (wish I would have taken this pic), there would be no definition what-so-ever. Same with my chest...It is filling out, and my shoulders are getting much more broad.

When I start my cycle, I will update this thread with pics so you guys can critique my progress and give me pointers on what to work on.

'Preciate you havin my back numba1.
That's pretty much what I want..."more solid with lesser fat" lol

I wondered about the high body fat but figured that with a tight diet and heavy lifting, I could get some really decent gains and with correct PCT, retain a lot of the size and strength.

I guess I have done a "dirty bulk" but my muscle density has really improved. In that first pic, if I would have done a double bi (wish I would have taken this pic), there would be no definition what-so-ever. Same with my chest...It is filling out, and my shoulders are getting much more broad.

When I start my cycle, I will update this thread with pics so you guys can critique my progress and give me pointers on what to work on.

'Preciate you havin my back numba1.

just go with the low weight high rep workouts and maybe do a little cardio, you'll def have some nice gains. Good luck.
lesser fat = 3/4% and not on ur illiac crest....numba1scrapper ur a clown i saw ur pics youre look can easily be attained without sauce...
look at thisiswhatido hes a perfect example, he has a better base than u do and his fat isnt drastically low like what most people look for
lesser fat = 3/4% and not on ur illiac crest....numba1scrapper ur a clown i saw ur pics youre look can easily be attained without sauce...

post pics of yourself bro lol, I gaurentee you on my LIFE you don't look anywhere close to me. I am not saying im huge, but AM saying I look better then you. Just becuase of your attitude and lack of knowledge in your previous posts. Your a little punk who is scared to take steroids becuause you think your going to get gyno, grow up bro, stop telling people aas are bad because YOU are scared to take them... Come on "steroidologist" tell this guy that oral only cycles are ok like you did in your other post because ONE guy that was ALREADY big decided to take an oral only cycle and decided to take a snap shot week 4 at his peek.. Reading is a good thing, a very good thing, but all your doing is reading other posts and acting like you know something. Experience is key, I have seen lots of people start cycles at this guys weight and ended up looking very lean post cycle.
look at thisiswhatido hes a perfect example, he has a better base than u do and his fat isnt drastically low like what most people look for

bro... Thisiswhatiddo is skin and bones are you fucking shitting me? He has 0 fat whatsoever how are you even comparing the two? NOOO WAYYYYYY is he a better example of a better base, WTFFFF?? If anything Thisiswhatiddo shouldn't of even started juicing and should have just eatin. I like the guy, but he is tiny. You should be banned for saying such a stupid thing, you clearly no nothing.
yeah 'numba1scrapper' just because of my attitude you must look better than me ok, you have quite too many seem to only know the basics that lifting big (some people respond better to low reps and grow just as much, but need to throw in heavy days aswell) and eating big will make u big.. it breaks down into body types.. and thisiswhatido is not skin and bones like most ectomorphs but he probably is just as hard of a gainer as them so if youve ever met any type a hard gainer you know theyve eaten crazy amounts with minimal it not this site that recommends that the person aspiring to use juice should have 6 years training under the belt and be around 24...this person obviously has much less than 6 years and still has a lot more muscle to devolop which he can easily obtain without steroids...just because you love how steroids affected you doesnt mean you should preach to others because YOU think theyre great...and how could you say im scared to take juice..actually the complete just rather take the minimum of anything to obtain my solid look and have a complete base before i run a cycle of test, so in turn i could get the GREATEST results...and yeah im sure needsize just took a picture of himself 4 weeks into his dbol the dude competes and is redic year round...while you work for heavy weights with imperfect training form, as your muscle devolopment shows...its this guy who should start going on a strict diet cardio 2x a week and lifting really well...either way this guy will have drastic results from a cycle like anyone else
it would be absolutely horrible for this guy to take an oral only cycle...just because you plataued so quickly in the gym and couldnt touch your chest with 225 and steroids helped you doesnt mean hes ready
yeah 'numba1scrapper' just because of my attitude you must look better than me ok, you have quite too many seem to only know the basics that lifting big (some people respond better to low reps and grow just as much, but need to throw in heavy days aswell) and eating big will make u big.. it breaks down into body types.. and thisiswhatido is not skin and bones like most ectomorphs but he probably is just as hard of a gainer as them so if youve ever met any type a hard gainer you know theyve eaten crazy amounts with minimal it not this site that recommends that the person aspiring to use juice should have 6 years training under the belt and be around 24...this person obviously has much less than 6 years and still has a lot more muscle to devolop which he can easily obtain without steroids...just because you love how steroids affected you doesnt mean you should preach to others because YOU think theyre great...and how could you say im scared to take juice..actually the complete just rather take the minimum of anything to obtain my solid look and have a complete base before i run a cycle of test, so in turn i could get the GREATEST results...and yeah im sure needsize just took a picture of himself 4 weeks into his dbol the dude competes and is redic year round...while you work for heavy weights with imperfect training form, as your muscle devolopment shows...its this guy who should start going on a strict diet cardio 2x a week and lifting really well...either way this guy will have drastic results from a cycle like anyone else

bro first of all, right in your posts it says you dont want to juice becuase your afraid of the possible gyno sides lol, how is that the opposite of being afraid? Second my training is amazing, my diet used to suck, but is now also...amazing. Read some of my old threads you stupid fuck IIIMMMM the one that says you have to mix your heavy weight low reps to low reps heavy weight every once and a while to trick the muscles. And like I said before, it's very easy to downtalk my body over the computer, I would LOVE for you to post some pics of your body. Send me your paypal account ill even paypal you $20 for your time to post some!!
it would be absolutely horrible for this guy to take an oral only cycle...just because you plataued so quickly in the gym and couldnt touch your chest with 225 and steroids helped you doesnt mean hes ready

couldnt touch 225? lol.. Please dont talk about yourself bro, its embaressing. I rep 290 OFF cycle.