Pre existing gyno flaring up on tren/test. What kind of gyno is it?


New member
I have funk with hard knots behind both nipples. When not on cycle they are barely noticeable to the touch. They seem to flare up on cycle, get hard, big, and sore. I'm on 600 mg of test e and 300 mg of tren e on my fourth week. I believe it to be the tren causing this. I know term causes prolactin funk issues but this seems to be more estrogen related. If that's the case I will use my adex. Just looking for opinions on what type if funk this may be.

I think that your guess is as good as any answer or better than any answer anyone else can provide you. I think the only actual way to know might be blood tests to see prolactin levels and estrogen levels. But I am not positive about that. A easier route to go would be asking your self how much estrogen issues you get usually when just running a plain testosterone cycle. And how much prolactin issues you get with adding something like tren into that cycle. Is it normal for you to get gyno symptoms with just testosterone. Because if it is not normal than I would lean towards it being prolactin issues. Also you could look up side effects of high levels of prolactin and see if you have them.
I've never had issues on test so possibly its prolactin. I just broke out the added though I know it most likely won't touch prolactin. Might have to drop the tren. No caber on hand..