Pre Max a True Pre-Workout with superior ingredients

How much Arginocarn do you add, Sean? In addition to 4.5g GPLC, I'd imagine that can be pretty intense. In a good way. :dance2:

I generally use two servings a day, I take the 3 gram serving upon waking and then pre-workout with GPLC. I love how it makes me feel. :)

However, I do things differently than most as well. Plus, I am a big guy so I generally take a lot more than the average sized guy. :D



Primordial Performance
^^ Arginocarn is up there as one of my favorite supplements from Primordial Performance. I used to work at a supplement store and would buy massive quantities of L carnitine and go on keto diets ( and shed a lot of fat ). Im a huge fan and advocate of L carnitine and Arginocarn happens to be the best version imo.
it was cool, altho for my $$$ map+gplc+beta alanine gets the job done too

i think premax is one of those 'luxury' products, where as if you can get it/buy it, fkn great, better than all the 1,3 dimeth shit....buuuuut at $5 a sv its priced out of alot of people's budgets

pp gplc tho is an amazing deal, considering jarrows is fkn 500mg and pp's is 4.5g!

i also do this.
I can't stand the filler pre-workouts with all of the stims, so Pre Max is perfect and worth the money imo considering I'm actually getting a performance boost from it.