precontest diet and 1st time user ?


national bodybuilder
I am 14 weeks out. i started my var cylce 4 weeks ago (now at 10mg) and have seen some great gains already. Here is my issue....I have started my diet (been 1 week today) and have always used the scale to gauge my fat loss. well, now that im using var and gaining muscle, its hard to know for sure if im losing bf. i dont have acess to bf measuring (i live in a small town and my gym doesnt offer it) i feel i look leaner, but my scale weight is exactly the same as it was last week. i have followed my diet to a T. does anyone have any feedback for me? i dont want to play catch up at the end...i also havent started my eca stack yet..i was waiting til the 10 week mark. thanks in advance..
Hey IG. Sounds like you are more than likely just adding muscle weight. But wanted to let you know you can buy the BF calipers online. They are fairly inexpensive now too. Best of luck to you in your upcoming prep and contest!!!!

You really ought to have someone who knows what they are looking at, take a look at you on a weekly basis. You are right, you don't want to play catchup. These days the best girls are coming into the shows around 6-7% bodyfat. But what is most important, is how you look and self assessment is almost impossible to do effectively. All the best figure gals work with someone to watch them and keep them on track. You ought to do the same. In the end, you need to look good on stage, the judges just don't care what you weigh. If you want more concrete suggestions on your gear, you can email me and I will give you my two cents. Good luck.