preventing infertility from steroids


New member
I'm looking to turn pro in the near future for men's physique, my only problem is the chance of not having kids due to improper gear usage. Let's say, I'm 25 now, do two cycles a year and want to have kids in my thirties. What can I do to maximize my chance of not fcking that up for me? I think branch warren had a kid during generation iron, he's on more gear in one year than I'd take my whole life. Just being cautious of my future. Personally, I wouldn't mind living off trt my whole life and blasting every now and then, but I don't want to loose any future gf or wife from this.
If your gonna be pro theres no way around it gonna have to cruise. I think you have a great chance of having kids your young. I havent had a baby until 3 weeks ago in 12 years! I knocked up my hott 23yr old girlfriend at age 35. Lots of pros go on in life and have babies, i made a beautiful little girl full of tren test and SD..... i was a little worried but shes perfect shes vary vascular and has a six pack
I would recommend getting blood work before you go on anything to know what your healthy Natty baseline is. Check things like TT, LH, FSH, etc. I would check sperm count too just so you have something to compare to in the future should problems arise.

Then when you cycle always run about 250iu of hCG twice a week. This will minimize testicular atrophy and help maintain testicular function.

hMG should be in the back of you mind should you ever want to have kids in the future and run into difficulties. This could be your backup plan.

like you said though, you are just reducing your risk. There are no guarantees. If you are really concerned you could deposit some sperm in the bank just in case.
Freeze your sperm, next question..........................

Seriously dude there s no WAY to answer this with any degree of certainty as I have a 9 yr whose mother just turned 30 up in NYC and I was on deca 500 test 500 when I got her pregnant 4 day s after Katrina in a hotel 5 hour s from ground zero.
I run HCG while blasting and cruising. Knocked up my wife deep into a 800mg test cycle. Not saying it'll work for you, but thats the extent of my fertility risk management.

Freezing sperm sounds like a good step if going pro. Now, get that pro card!