Prickle Ichy back when on cycle


New member
Wondering if any one can shed some light on this... Just started another cycle and after about two weeks on and the weather is warm, all of a sudden I get a really prickle ichy irritated back... And the only way to stop it is to cool myself down I.e remove clothes or sit down and try and relax!
And help and Info would be greatly appericate!
Hi, this is my third cycle and it always happens, im currently running alpha pharma parabolin and test e twice a week!

Yes I do have slight acne on my back
Happens to me every cycle,, Little bit of acne then itchy rash like little red bumps, Think it's just from excessive oily skin. Are you really light and fare skinned and have sensitive skin to begin with ?
Hi, this is my third cycle and it always happens, im currently running alpha pharma parabolin and test e twice a week!

Yes I do have slight acne on my back
id say its from oily skin I would get itchy when i first started cycling. I found keeping estrogen in check with an AI helps alot with acne on back and rest of body and the itching a bit.
Hi I'm the complete opposite to that, my skin is very tanned and Ive not been sensitive to things before.

I usually run nolvadex twice a week during a cycle but may increase it to eod to see if that helps.
Hi I'm the complete opposite to that, my skin is very tanned and Ive not been sensitive to things before.

I usually run nolvadex twice a week during a cycle but may increase it to eod to see if that helps.

I get the same itchiness around my lats, but it is not too bad. Just buy one of these and tough it out bud.View attachment 561177
Also Nolva is not an AI, buy some adex
I get the same itchiness around my lats, but it is not too bad. Just buy one of these and tough it out bud.View attachment 561177
Also Nolva is not an AI, buy some adex

Oh my god I love those things haha. I've had about ten of them, they keep fucking breaking. I'm an aggressive back scratcher lol.

Itchiness can be caused by acne if you have it. I tend to get really itchy back on cycles more because my back hair starts growing more. I always get new back hairs on a blast.
Hi I'm the complete opposite to that, my skin is very tanned and Ive not been sensitive to things before.

I usually run nolvadex twice a week during a cycle but may increase it to eod to see if that helps.

As said previously, get your Estradiol checked via blood work. It is probably elevated given that you are not using an Aromatase Inhibitor. Nolva is a SERM.