Pride 28 : VANDERLEI winner by KO !!


New member
Vanderlei vs Rampage 2 : Vanderlei winner by KO at round 2 with a knee to the face !

that fight was awesome both fighters were incredible !!!!
The aftermath. Broken nose anyone? Broken nose here.


I got a sweet ass gif of the punch that did it, but it's too large to be hosted anywhere and it's too large to load. Oh, btw, edouble, you're not allowed to look at this pic since you won't let me back in ironlife. Nobody needs your damn site anyways, punk.
I've still yet to see the event but I'm pumped to see it! I'm so happy that Wanderlei won!!! :D
Hawaiian Silky said:
The aftermath. Broken nose anyone? Broken nose here.


I got a sweet ass gif of the punch that did it, but it's too large to be hosted anywhere and it's too large to load. Oh, btw, edouble, you're not allowed to look at this pic since you won't let me back in ironlife. Nobody needs your damn site anyways, punk.

where is that pic from?
how i post a pic. mine isn't showing like yours.
negaun said:
where is that pic from?
how i post a pic. mine isn't showing like yours.

I have teh magic picture. You no know magic like i know picture magic.
Hawaiian Silky said:
I have teh magic picture. You no know magic like i know picture magic.
I don't believe you have the magic picture!!!!
Post more please
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