Pride, UFC or K-1


New member
Which one do you prefer or do you watch them all?
I watch them all. I find them all very exciting. K-1 is doing a real quick rise to the top. Do you have any favorite fighters?
Some of my favorites are Vitor Belfort, Kevin Randleman, Michael McDonald, Quinton Jackson, Kimo, Vanderlei Silva, Mirko Crocop, Tsoyoshi Nakasako, Tito Ortiz. Oh and of course I can't forget about Randy Couture and Mark Coleman. These are the first fighters that popped to my head but there are many other fighters that I admire as well. :)
Yeah big MMA fan here. Vitor Belfort, Tito, and Quinton have got to be my favs, and Crocop also. I got to say that I like the rules from Pride but I like the UFC fighters better.
yeah i know hes past his prime and out of shape but i still like tank , us big boys gotta stick together lol
The Tank Abbott vs Cabbage match in November should be a good one. Tank better come in in better shape than his last
Cabbage is one tough dude!!!
I think Tank will finally have a chance though since I am sure cabbage is not trying to take him to the ground. This should be a good one
What do you think of Karo? That guy had a sick throw and the backwards roll into the kimura ... sweet!
bigdaddy22 said:
I think Tank will finally have a chance though since I am sure cabbage is not trying to take him to the ground. This should be a good one

Cabbage has one hell of a jaw...I think Tank is gonna be in trouble...No Rufus fans in here? I'd have to say my favorite fighters are Phil Baroni, Chuck Liddell, Randy Couture, Ken Shamrock, and Kimo...I think Pride is probably my favorite...
I hate Baroni!!! I know cabbage has a hell of jaw, I just think Tank will finally have a chance of fighting his kind of fight. He will still get beat, but atleast it will look closer to the old Tank.
I prefer watching K-1 Max and Superleague myself, then Pride and K-1 heavies
I prefer the lighter weights because they're closer to my own weight class and the technique is better, i'm just a purist... King's Birthday anyone? ;)