
i have used Primobolan depot :)

-increased libido big time
-increased strength
-increased LBM!!!
-got harder
-increased aggression
-caused my hair to fall out a bit faster than normal hair loss

i liked it.. it was my first cycle.. if i ever do it again i would do a much lower dosage!! I did 100mg a week and that was TOO much for me personally!!!

However right now, legit primo is scarce and there are so many counterfeits that woman really need to be careful!! There are also primo tabs which may be a better choice...
I believe RedSquirrel was looking into that option...

Hope that helped a bit
supergirl said:
i have used Primobolan depot :)

-increased libido big time
-increased strength
-increased LBM!!!
-got harder
-increased aggression
-caused my hair to fall out a bit faster than normal hair loss

i liked it.. it was my first cycle.. if i ever do it again i would do a much lower dosage!! I did 100mg a week and that was TOO much for me personally!!!

However right now, legit primo is scarce and there are so many counterfeits that woman really need to be careful!! There are also primo tabs which may be a better choice...
I believe RedSquirrel was looking into that option...

LMAO!!! You kill me! But, anyway, why do you think the 100mgs was too much? I actually am getting my hands on some Primo amps 50mg, tabs are waaayyy to hard to get. I understand the great thing about Primo is that almost all gains are keepable (is that a word!) True?
redsquirrel said:
LMAO!!! You kill me! But, anyway, why do you think the 100mgs was too much? I actually am getting my hands on some Primo amps 50mg, tabs are waaayyy to hard to get. I understand the great thing about Primo is that almost all gains are keepable (is that a word!) True?
:) [/B]

i think the 100mgs was too much for me personally because my agression was really increased.. a bit too much for my liking..
I started putting on more size than i wanted (plus my diet was not super clean.. i had a bit of carbs which is why i probably put on a bit of size) and honestly, my hairbrush was filled!! i was getting paranoid and i am not the only one that had this experience with primo...
Overall i like the postive sides, which is why it was probably my dosage.. I think i would do 25mgs E3D instead...

Yes, i think my gains remained.. My strength did for awhile, but i did switch over to anavar after the primo, so that could be both reasons...

RS.. did you check out the Bratis primo tabs?? You can get them from Mexico.. My friend just got them, but my only concern is that if they are anything like their winny-fied anavar, ya never know what you are gonna get... lol

Also, my friend just got some brown amps that everyone thought were legit.. FAKES... lab report came back with NO primo :(

so PLEASE be careful!! It might be worth the $90 to test them first.. God forbid ya know...

luv super