Primo 150 vs Masteron E 200

The best I can comment on Primo is based on what I've read and not personal use... because I'm in the process of
building my inventory of Primo before I run it - which will be a first.

Masteron is great and I've had VERY good results with it... however I was also running test and tren... which was
one of my best cycles EVER.

I think you'll hear masteron will give you more bang for your buck... but the people who have run proper cycles
with promi absolutely love it and some say it is by far their favorite compound because it's a clean smooth feeling
or so they say.

When I do run primo I will be running 600-800mg for at least 16 weeks.
Masteron does little to nothing by itself, but when added to test and tren it's just short of magic. Very synergistic, i.e. Makes 500 mg test feel like 750mg. Great libido boost and also raises free test.

Primo is said to mimic tren when run at higher doses but it's pretty pricey and needs > 600 mg to be real effective. One of the more mild aas out there. Side effects are less than most but then again so are the results. Women friendly as well
Masteron does little to nothing by itself, but when added to test and tren it's just short of magic. Very synergistic, i.e. Makes 500 mg test feel like 750mg. Great libido boost and also raises free test.

Primo is said to mimic tren when run at higher doses but it's pretty pricey and needs > 600 mg to be real effective. One of the more mild aas out there. Side effects are less than most but then again so are the results. Women friendly as well

I'm sure the liver will be happy to hear that.