Primo @ 250mg/ml?


New member
Has anyone had any experience with brewing primo at 250mg/ml? I would use Dtones recipe if I did. I am hopefully gonna run about 1g a week and the higher concentrations would make pinning easier.

test E/C/D, deca, Eq, tren E, Primo E 40mls @ 250mgs/ml
10g powder
13.3ml EO
12 ml GSO
1.2ml BA (3%)
6ml BB (15%)
Personally if I were you... Id brew it at 200mg/ml the Pip at 250 would sting like a mofo. If you notice sources brew primo mostly at 100mg for a reason.
If your dead cert on brewing it id test ut by maybe converting 10ml firstly as its very expensive! so as your not wasting all the powder if its un usable. Never used primo before but from friends experience primo at 200mg/ml packed a sting to it.
Yeah azog I think I agree with alex. I actually have a vial of 200/ml I bought from a source and that is the highest mg/ml I've ever seen of primo. Once I start brewing I am gonna make some at 200 cz as u say if you're gonna do primo 800mg and up a wk or you're wasting your time and gear, and that IS a lot to pin. Keep us informed on how that goes man, I really curious
I'm a little hesitant to try the 250mg/ml recipe. Hopefully someone can chime in. I think I'm gonna run 1000mg a week, so 250mg/ml would be great haha.