Primo Cycle


New member
Running : 600mg Primo/week
1000mg test cypionate/week
500 iu hcg/week
10 mg nolvadex/day

Length : 10-12 weeks. On my 4th week

Haven't ran this much primo ever, but have ran it before. Bench is at 465/ 3 times.My strength is thru the roof, I've gained 10 lbs of muscle in a month. I stand 6'2 , 290 lbs, 17.3% body fat.

Question : Basically i love the primo, but it's killing my sex drive. Should I lower the dosage or take more post cycle therapy (pct) or both? Thanks folks
with a gram of test in you system u should have no problems banging only thing i can think of is your estro may be high start taking a Aromatase inhibitor (AI) this is just my opinion
AI as in arimidex? well the primo does make your nuts shrink, but I've never had this problem, I should be fucking like it's going out of style
your nuts shrink cause there not working no need with all that steriod in you, deff start your adex or asin this will lower your estro this should solve your problem.
The primo is not to blame here and it it is to blame then it is not real primo. Since you are running test with it

12 weeks of primo is hardly worth it also since usually 7 weeks go by before it kicks into high gear. IMO primo should be run for a minimum of 18 weeks and at a minimum dosage ( for beginners to the game) of 800mg per week minimum!

I've run a lot of primobolan and experimented with dosages and such, when I tried to run less or for shorter time frames results were a let down!
Well I've noticed a lot of good gains on the primo. My bench has gone from 375 to 445 in about a month and I'm strong everywhere else too. Been taking Aromasin everyday and 1000 iu Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) last week, cut down to 500iu this week....maybe my head is fucking with me. I've never experienced libido issues on primo
Well I've noticed a lot of good gains on the primo. My bench has gone from 375 to 445 in about a month and I'm strong everywhere else too. Been taking Aromasin everyday and 1000 iu Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) last week, cut down to 500iu this week....maybe my head is fucking with me. I've never experienced libido issues on primo

very nice increase which leads me more in favor of thinking that you may not have legit primo. aft4er just 4 weeks in the test is probably kicking in but you would hardly notice anything from primo this early on and when it does kick in the gains are not big strength or size gains but modest LBM increase with added vascularity, hardness of the muscles and almost that tren look.
Still... I have yet to get a cycle under my belt, will prob start my first this summer, but still... 70 pounds?? When you're already in the upper 3's? Is that a common gain with tren??