Running : 600mg Primo/week
1000mg test cypionate/week
500 iu hcg/week
10 mg nolvadex/day
Length : 10-12 weeks. On my 4th week
Haven't ran this much primo ever, but have ran it before. Bench is at 465/ 3 times.My strength is thru the roof, I've gained 10 lbs of muscle in a month. I stand 6'2 , 290 lbs, 17.3% body fat.
Question : Basically i love the primo, but it's killing my sex drive. Should I lower the dosage or take more post cycle therapy (pct) or both? Thanks folks
1000mg test cypionate/week
500 iu hcg/week
10 mg nolvadex/day
Length : 10-12 weeks. On my 4th week
Haven't ran this much primo ever, but have ran it before. Bench is at 465/ 3 times.My strength is thru the roof, I've gained 10 lbs of muscle in a month. I stand 6'2 , 290 lbs, 17.3% body fat.
Question : Basically i love the primo, but it's killing my sex drive. Should I lower the dosage or take more post cycle therapy (pct) or both? Thanks folks