
You could probably make it with the same amount of BA and BB as Test Enan. I would do 3%BA 6%BB, something around that.
Easto..How bout this..??

Methenelone Enanth. for 5 grams
5 grams powder
18.75ml sesame oil
1.25ml BA 5%
1.25ml BB 5%
Sterile Vial
Whatman sterile filter

1. Weigh out 5 grams of powder.
2. Place powder in vial.
3. Add BA & BB to the vial.
4. Heat oil in the oven to help sterilize it, heat to at least 212 degrees F. I usually heat my oil at 275 to be sure, I put the oil in a muffin pan, just fill one of the indentions this is plenty for these experiments. Also heat more oil than you need, as you will not be able to get it all out of the pan.
5. Add oil to the vial, save 2 ml of oil in the syringe for later. Gently shake vial.
6. Heat mixture if necessary. I like heating my powder products, by placing the vial in a frying pan, and placing it on the eye of the stove.
7. Place a 18 or 20 gauge needle in the sterile vial attach Whatman sterile filter.
8. Place another needle in the sterile vial to relieve the pressure.
9. Draw out solution with a syringe, run though Whatman filter.
10. Take other syringe with 2ml oil, run through Whatman into solution.

Makes 25 ml @ 200 mg/ml
I made some Test Enan with 5% BA and I found the injections to be painful that's why I suggested less BA. You could always give the 5%Ba and 5%BB a try and see how it goes.
I will give both a try... Easto, would you mind any PM's from me if I need to ask some questions? I would appreciate it!
From everything I've read, primo powder converts more like test Propionate than enanthate. For that reason, I'd use at least 5% BA and 15% BB. It's way to expensive to have it crash and burn on you.
I use this to make 100mg/ml and it is smooth and painless. Hope this helps.
Jimbo said:
From everything I've read, primo powder converts more like test Propionate than enanthate. For that reason, I'd use at least 5% BA and 15% BB. It's way to expensive to have it crash and burn on you.
I use this to make 100mg/ml and it is smooth and painless. Hope this helps.


Do you know anywhere else I can read up on this? I feel I need a little more info before taking this plunge..

Thanks bro
Primobolan® Depot (methenolone enanthate)

You should be able to convert this the same way as any other Enanthate ester 3%BA and 7%BB should hold it fine at 200mg/ml
sorry to piggy-back but it's a quickie

how is prop different? i was going to make my own soon (not syno, from powder) and was just planning on using 5% BA. i'm actually trying to go for some tren/prop at 100mg each per ml. will i NEED BB? or will the BA alone be fine?