Primobolan or Winny as a first cycle?


New member
I know that most ppl say test is the best when it comes to doing a first cycle, which is probly what i'm gonna stick with, but i was readin through the drug profiles, and it seems that primobolan has low side fx, and Winstrol (winny) would too if taken in lower doses. Would either of these be good for a first cycle? I'm pretty concerned about DHT conversion (read: i wanna keep my hair) and aromatization. i know there are drugs to ward off the aromatization, but i just was wondering if either primo or Winstrol (winny) (low dose) would work for a first cycle?
Primo is a relatively weak anabolic to begin with so I don't think you would be happy using that alone. The same can be said for winstrol. You will not notice much in terms of muscle mass using either compound alone. Add to this the fact that if you do not run testosterone with either of them you will likely lose or suffer from a reduced sex drive. As well, anecdotally most users will tell you that winstrol is one of the harsher compounds for hair loss.

All in all, stick with a testosterone only cycle for your first in my opinion.
Best for keeping hair is deca-durabolin.

But between Winstrol (winny) and primo i say go with primo.
I would choose Winstrol over Primo. I would probably never use Primo. But I would rather run it alongside test. Like everyone says, test for a first cycle is the best idea - it will be the most productive. If you are deadset on using Winstrol or Primo, at least use test as the base of the cycle and the use Winstrol alongside it for part of the cycle, instead of just doing Winstrol alone. I wouldn't recommend using Primo at all.
i just did a primo and Winstrol (winny) cycle, and i thout the same thing ,my first cycle was a deca only and i gain like 25 + pounds with it about 3 years the end i crash took some clomid and i think it hurt me even more, so i dicided to try out primo and Winstrol (winny) ,and i tell u something bro both drugs are know to convert to dht ,wish means ur hair is gona fall off,, mine is i had a set full hair and im loosing like 100 pieces a day,i been off for a month now and it still goin off.. now at the end i gain like 11 pounds of mucle.. not worth it for my hair.. im hoping it will stop soon , btw does any one know if is gona stop or do i need to take something... thanx , and good luck to u....
Aboot said:
Xtreme57, also what are your stats currently? Age, weight, etc.?

i'm 5'8 ~160 at the moment - i've been dieting down for the summer. My BF is very low right now, almost in the single digits from what i can tell w/my calipers. I usually can get up to about 175 during the winter when i'm trying to put on weight. But i've had enough of this natural stuff. It's just not getting me anywhere close to what i want to be. I've been workin out for about 8 years now and it's about time i start packing on some serious muscle.

My only real concern is my hair. i'm takin propescia now, b/c my hair started thinning last summer, and i immediately went to my Dr and got a prescription. But i dunno if i do a cycle should i up on my propecia (currently 1mg/day) to 1.5 or 2mg a day? i know it might affect my gains slightly, but i'd rather lose a little muscle to keep most of my hair. Any advice? Is there any way to increase my chances of retaining my hair?
Xtreme57 said:
i'm 5'8 ~160 at the moment - i've been dieting down for the summer. My BF is very low right now, almost in the single digits from what i can tell w/my calipers. I usually can get up to about 175 during the winter when i'm trying to put on weight. But i've had enough of this natural stuff. It's just not getting me anywhere close to what i want to be. I've been workin out for about 8 years now and it's about time i start packing on some serious muscle.

My only real concern is my hair. i'm takin propescia now, b/c my hair started thinning last summer, and i immediately went to my Dr and got a prescription. But i dunno if i do a cycle should i up on my propecia (currently 1mg/day) to 1.5 or 2mg a day? i know it might affect my gains slightly, but i'd rather lose a little muscle to keep most of my hair. Any advice? Is there any way to increase my chances of retaining my hair?
BRO ,if u want ur hair stay the hell away from wintrol ,it will fall off im losing 20 30 hair pices just rubing my hands on my head i see it in the sink,, and i ding have a hair line or nothing i was fine till i got introduce to wintrol i stoped now for like 3 weeks and im desperate seeking anwers ,and i dont know whats goin on and if this is gona stop ... besides u aint gona gain much mass on wintrol or primo now worht it,, u beter of doing deca cycle if u like to keep ur hair a few more summers....
this is gonna sound like a really dumb question - but when ppl say "test" as a first cycle, which version of testosterone are they talking about? just testosteron suspension right? b/c i know it's not cyp or prop... so is that the correct assumption just for clarifications sake?
Xtreme57 said:
this is gonna sound like a really dumb question - but when ppl say "test" as a first cycle, which version of testosterone are they talking about? just testosteron suspension right? b/c i know it's not cyp or prop... so is that the correct assumption just for clarifications sake?

A long estered test, usually cyp or enanth.
hey xtreme, since you're worried about your hair so much why don't u try an equipoise cycle. there are many people that get pretty good gains from it with minimal side effects...less than deca.
EQ alone you mean? Thats not a bad idea actually, but i will admit that i'm not familiar enough w/this steroid. What would be a moderate dose for someone of my smaller size? 5'8 and i'm a lean 160lb.
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