Primobolin Or somthing else maybe test?


New member
I have been on TRT for 6 months and feel greet! So 3 weeks ago I decided to at Primo 400mg a week for a cruise. The last 2 weeks me nipples have been hurting like hell. I am on TRT at 200mg a week with .5 Anastrozle EOD. So I bumped up the Anastrozle to 10mg ED and still have sore nips.
Does this mean that the Primo I have is not primo?
I'd be very surprised if you had high e2 with that adex dose. That's a big dose for just being on trt. I'd run .5mg eod on a gram of test. 1mg ED is massive dose. Primo doesn't aromatize so it won't increase your e2. et bloods ASAP.
Even if your primo was fake and wasn't primo and was test, that means your running 600 mg of test, no big deal.. But 1 mg a day of anasrozole, that's a lot, 600 mg of test, wouldn't aromatize that much!
If your taking that much AI, then I doubt your e2 is high.. Is your AI legit?
Yes my TRT is from a Doc and all is legit HCT, AI and Test. I will quit with the so called primo and see what a happens. I have blood test every 6-8 weeks.
The primo is labeled at 100mg/ml so if it is standard test at 200mg/ml I would be taking 1000mg of test a week.
You've been taking a pretty darn high dose of your AI for trt.. Maybe your e2 is actually low, crashed.
That may be the cause. Outside the box thinking here, but low estrogen causes sensitive nips in women.
Either way a simple blood test will tell you what's going on
MY E2 was 39 4 weeks ago so we the doc raised it to 5mg EOD and will be testing next week. This was the sensitive test not the standard test.
I was on 600 mg test and 900 my primo .5 adex EOD. I never had any problems like you. Primo also is a natural estrogen blocker I have read.
I was on 600 mg test and 900 my primo .5 adex EOD. I never had any problems like you. Primo also is a natural estrogen blocker I have read.

Yeah the primo wouldn't cause any estrogen issues as it doesn't aromatize,, but op thinks his primo is bunk and is actually just test and not primo
Primo and mast are faked very often man. Labmaxing the gear is an option, but even if it passes it could be under dosed.
I did not take the so called Primo Thursday or Monday with my TRT, we will see.

If you think it is test some blood work would confirm or disprove your belief. You can get the female hormonal panel as it does not cap the testosterone results.