New member
I took a pro hormone last year around October and I was not knowledgeable at all on pro hormones I just read that it would help me gain muscle and I took it. The pro hormone I took was Super DMZ 2.0 just for reference. It worked well as my strength went up and so did my size I was eating 4k+ calories a day and gained 30lbs over the course of the six weeks I took it. While I was on it I was completely shutdown my sex drive was gone,I had no energy,I was tired and lazy all the time and I had some testicular shrinkage. I didn't know that pro hormones would cause all of this and how to combat it but I continued taking it hoping it would go away and since I had already seen some results I figured why not? Well after I came off everything seemed to return to normal after about 3 weeks or so. I never knew that it could shut you down and that without a PCT and even with a PCT you may not return to normal until now. But when I think back to how I felt before the prohormone and how I feel now there is a world of difference,my sex drive was definitely alot higher than what it is now and so was my energy levels,motivation and everything. I got my bloodwork back and my test levels are at 439 and my estradiol is at 9.5. From what I have read these number aren't that great especially for my age (just turned 20). I need some advice on how to get my test levels back to where they were and how to keep them there please. Thanks for anyfeedback it will be greatly appreciated.