Bro, you are trying to obtain medical advice from people who aren't qualified to give you such advice. If you have been off the ephedrine for 6 weeks now and you are still experiencing this problem urinating, I encourage you to get checked out. I would love to tell you that NORMALLY with the cessation of ephedrine, all prostate values return to normal............BUT I CAN'T! First off, no one here can even deduce with any empirical evidence that is in fact a prosate-related issue. Sure it sounds like one, but there are a myriad of things that mimic prostatitius in their manifestation of symptoms. Secondly, what if you convince yourself that ephedrine is the culprit and by avoiding taking it, you avoid any problems. You are setting yourself up for disaster by potentially not addressing any underlying or actual problem.
There are definitely good bro's here on the board who LOVE to help out, but as a rule......if you are experiencing something that warrants concern for asking---go get checked out.