Problems with filtration


New member

I have a problem with the filtration process. The solution flows only very slow through the filter. 1ml needs about 10 minutes. The filter was new 0,22µ. I did made Testo-E with 300mg concentration, with 9%BB, 3%BA and rest 50/50 EO and castor. Why flows the solvent so slwoly through the filter? Any ideas? Is that too much castor oil for the vacuum filtration unit? I am very sad now, hope that somebody can help me :bawling:
I assume you are talking about a bottle-top filter?

Why did you use castor oil? As shown in this recent post about the viscosity of various oils, castor oil is in a league of its own.

You've taken something very simple and made it too complicated. For Test-E at 300mg/mL, this is what you needed:

  • Oil such as grape seed, walnut, peanut, or others that are similar, available at your local grocery store.
  • Test-E powder
  • 2% BA
  • NO BB is necessary
  • NO EO is necessary and it just isn't of much benefit with test-E at 300mg/mL which doesn't hurt, anyway
Also, did you start the filtration process before the oil cooled down too much?

I don't know, but perhaps warm oil and a .45 would work.

How much Test-E powder do you have in that batch?
well EO is thick and castor oil also so thats why IMO use grapeseed oil or cottonseed and you dont need EO for test enanthe
Sorry, it was only problem with the vacuum pump, everything turned out fine... :dance2: :afro:

There were 18g of Testo-E in the first batch... Now its in the sink, bummer.

BTW: The only thick thing on my EO is the bottle. *g* If you need some let me know.
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Horray... The next batch is done, it only tooked half an hour to make 10x10ml/100mg Testo-P. I hope the solution will not crush. My next cycle will be a big one!
Hellcat said:
Sorry, it was only problem with the vacuum pump, everything turned out fine... :dance2: :afro:

There were 18g of Testo-E in the first batch... Now its in the sink, bummer.
I don't get it. If it was just the vacuum that was wrong, then why did you need to throw out the oil?
Yeaaaah! I did it! I just made my last brew, 90ml Tren-A and it looks like clear honey! But the filter was very dirty, not nearly to compare with the other stuff. I wanna test my stuff so badly right now, but unfortunately I have to wait till the BA does his job, 5 DAYS!

You are 100% right, but it was my first brew today, and I was fu**in`nervous, so I threw it away. But all 3 powders are really damn good shit now! Everything turned out fine now, I am am laughin´ now....
Hellcat said:
Yeaaaah! I did it! I just made my last brew, 90ml Tren-A and it looks like clear honey! But the filter was very dirty, not nearly to compare with the other stuff. I wanna test my stuff so badly right now, but unfortunately I have to wait till the BA does his job, 5 DAYS!
Just inject it already.

No matter how sterile your gear is, every time you inject you are going to introduce a little bit of bacteria into the body. But it is very minor. The body takes care of it, no problem. Unless you have an extremely weak immune system ... but if that is your case, then you've got other problems.