Prolactin recovery question


New member
8 more days until pct, finished the tren ace about 3 weeks ago and the test about 6 days ago. I'm wondering how long until prolactin falls naturally if at all? Still having tren dick, thanks so much. Also quit Adex 5 days before pct?

Fellow bro in need of help
No caber/prami for the prolactin? You take your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) up to PCT and stop it the day before you begin the clomid/nolva. Not really sure what to tell you about how long it takes for it to subside as it's different for everyone and has a synergistic relationship with estradiol. Not sure if it's too late to hop on a dopamine agonist (prami/caber), but I know I'd be thinking about it if my willy wasn't working right. ;)

My .02c :)
Thanks halfwit, no I never ended up getting any. Was usuing cialis until didint work anymore and i thoght i was taking a heart attack :p Seems to be coming back, my boner, just not fast enough. Waiting for trusted friends of aml to get caber. Just started dosing b6 today, hope it will help. I'll let the bros know how it goes. A'dex until pct, got it. Thanks again