Prolly overthinking this Aratest question....


On Vacation
OK, i want to make a batch of Aratest 250 (or whatever you want to call it). Basically 50ml of 250mg/ml (200mg Cyp/50mg Prop). I think it will be pretty easy but wanted to run the conversion by you guys. Will be using 2/20 BA/BB ratios


10g Cyp
2.5g Prop
29ml Oil
1ml BA
10ml BB

When I make a mix like this, is it just like a regular setup. Just mix the hormones together in a beaker, add oil and solvents, heat, swirl, filter, bake?

Or do I have to do each one seperately and then mix them at the end?

DougoeFre5h said:
you got it, mix powders, add oil/solvents, clear, filter. Easy as cake and yea, you over thought it my man!

i always do. that's the propeller head in me!! thanks bro