prop for my first cycle


New member
Hi, age 40, H: 195, W:5.77
bf around 20

working for 3 years

I want to do a 6 week cycle with prop and win and nolva for PCT (but I can use also arimidex)

week 1 : 1 prop 100 mg
week 2 : 1 prop 100 mg + win
week 3 : 2 prop 100 mg + win
week 4 : 2 prop 100 mg + win
week 5 : 2 prop 100 mg + win
week 6 : 1 prop 100 mg + win

week 4-6: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 5000 ui

PCT week 6-9: nolva + proviron

what do you think about ?
how I' can mimize sides ? (gyno e endo testo suppression)
Hi, age 40, H: 195, W:5.77
bf around 20

working for 3 years

I want to do a 6 week cycle with prop and win and nolva for post cycle therapy (pct) (but I can use also arimidex)

week 1 : 1 prop 100 mg
week 2 : 1 prop 100 mg + win
week 3 : 2 prop 100 mg + win
week 4 : 2 prop 100 mg + win
week 5 : 2 prop 100 mg + win
week 6 : 1 prop 100 mg + win

week 4-6: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 5000 ui

post cycle therapy (pct) week 6-9: nolva + proviron

what do you think about ?
how I' can mimize sides ? (gyno e endo testo suppression)

100mg of prop a week? I wouldnt even bother doing a cycle at all. Use test cyp or test enth and use a bare minimum of 300/wk, but 400/wk would be about right for a first cycle. 12 weeks, not 6. Or don't even bother with it. If you want to do 6 week cycles, then pickle your liver with orals (please don't) or stick with prohormones, non-methylated if you can.

Skip the Winstrol (winny). You don't need it, and based on everything else you've written here, you don't know how to use it anyway.

Start Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) at week 2, 250iu 2x/wk.

Proviron can/should be used with the test, not during post cycle therapy (pct). It will act as an estrogen antagonist and help with gyno issues.

post cycle therapy (pct) - Toremifene, rather than Nolvadex.
100mg of prop a week? I wouldnt even bother doing a cycle at all. Use test cyp or test enth and use a bare minimum of 300/wk, but 400/wk would be about right for a first cycle. 12 weeks, not 6. Or don't even bother with it. If you want to do 6 week cycles, then pickle your liver with orals (please don't) or stick with prohormones, non-methylated if you can.

Skip the Winstrol (winny). You don't need it, and based on everything else you've written here, you don't know how to use it anyway.

Start Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) at week 2, 250iu 2x/wk.

Proviron can/should be used with the test, not during PCT. It will act as an estrogen antagonist and help with gyno issues.

PCT - Toremifene, rather than Nolvadex.

Thanks for your information, I was think to win for reduce my bf, but in the same time I was very worried for my liver, so i'm very happy to eliminate it, for prop I think of use 100 only for week 1 and 6 , week 2-5 was 200, it's no enough ?
Now i've read that only test is best for first cycle but 12 week seems to long...
8 week with enth 250 (testoviron depot) is not sufficient for first cycle ?
Prop and Winstrol (winny) should be done either each day or every other day at minimum. doing either prop or Winstrol (winny) once a week is going to bring your hormone levels into a roller coaster ride and will do more harm than good.
Prop is a short ester, you need injections of about every other day just to stay stable in your blood, but, it will hit you by week 2-3.

Enan/Cypio is a long ester, only need 1-2 injections per week, but wont hit you for about 4-5 weeks.

Either of those compounds should be fine for your first cycle. Run at least 500mg.

I too would drop the Winstrol (winny). Its just a horrible drug in my exp, way to many sides.
You need to do some basic research. First cycles are usually test-e or test-c for 8-12 weeks. Then post cycle therapy (pct), clomid/ nolva for four weeks.

You definitely don't want to have to pin eod on your first cycle.
Hi thank's everybody for information
at this point i'm very glad to avoid Winstrol (winny) ;-)
I've understand that a testo only cycle is the best way for first user, despite this still i'm afraid about some sides:
1) one guy said me about roid rage that can compromise relations with family, work and friends, it's real so much high ?
2) what happens after last pin when testo levels go down ? Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) always works ?
Hi thank's everybody for information
at this point i'm very glad to avoid Winstrol (winny) ;-)
I've understand that a testo only cycle is the best way for first user, despite this still i'm afraid about some sides:
1) one guy said me about roid rage that can compromise relations with family, work and friends, it's real so much high ?
2) what happens after last pin when testo levels go down ? Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) always works ?

1) youll be fine.

2) you need to do research. look at some of the other logs, cycles, etc. on the board. You need a SERM after your cycle stops. Not just HCG
Roid rage is a myth. Idiots with enormous egos use it as an excuse to act the a**holes they are.

Soo true, I can have a bit of a temper sometimes and every since starting my first cycle I feel like my mood has increased and I'm a little happier :)

I started my cycle with prop and I pin eod, not as bad as ppl make it seem. Got used to it I guess.
I've read other information about first cycle, I want a mild cycle with less sides in absolute, and i've no big mass goals
now my idea of cycle is:

week 1-8 test enth : 250 mg for week
week 1-8 proviron: 50 eod (for increase free testo and avoid gyno)

week 8-12 nolvadex 120/90/60/30
or toremifene
In case of gyno I can use arimidex.
I also read that HCG is suggested for 8+ cycles

what do you think about ?
what kind of sides I can have ?

I've read other information about first cycle, I want a mild cycle with less sides in absolute, and i've no big mass goals
now my idea of cycle is:

week 1-8 test enth : 250 mg for week
week 1-8 proviron: 50 eod (for increase free testo and avoid gyno)

week 8-12 nolvadex 120/90/60/30
or toremifene
In case of gyno I can use arimidex.
I also read that HCG is suggested for 8+ cycles

what do you think about ?
what kind of sides I can have ?


Still too short, IMO. 12 weeks is pretty standard. Your dosage is low, and I respect the fact that you are being cautious. 400 would get you better results without causing issues, but if you want to go with 250, so be it. Your gains will be less, but you will get some gains.

Proviron is a good match to limit the estrogenic effects from the Test. I think you should have no problems at all with this cycle, but I can pretty much guarantee that you would be happier running it for 12 weeks.

HCG is a nice ancillary product that I would start week 2 and run until the last week at 250 iu twice a week.

Toremifene is superior to Nolva/Clomid.
You suggest HCG despite low enth, and 8 week ?

How many pounds you think, I obtain with this cycle ?

It's not a "have to have" ancillary, but it will help the boys stay plump.

How many pounds you'll gain? Loaded question there. A lot of that depends on your caloric intake. If you increase it by about 1000 calories a day while on cycle, you should see somewhere in the neighborhood of 1.5- 2 lbs a week gain, but could be less. You'll have to keep calories up while in post cycle therapy (pct) to keep that weight on, too. And if you go back down to just maintenance calories after post cycle therapy (pct) you will eventually lose a lot of that, so adjust calories to support the new muscle.