Prop Pain?


New member
Currently I am doing 500 mg of Testosterone E per week. I am using 400 mg/ml test and shooting about 6/10 cc twice per week to equal close to 500.

I have pinned 3 times, all have been quad shots. I haven't experienced any pain or even soreness for the most part so I am wondering how much more painful is prop than a longer ester? To me prop is more desirable ( faster acting, keeping levels fairly consistent) so I was thinking about using it if and when I decide to do another cycle.

Since many people get sore from Test E but I don't how painful do you think prop be would? Perhaps my muscles are just not very sensitive.

Buy some sterile oil and use 1ml of it with every prop injections. It really makes a difference.
I've heard many a person complain of the pain with prop and even my brother say it's almost unbearable but it's like water for me. Absolutely zero pain but I do taste it after I pin and my nose feels like its going to bleed for about an hour (feels good though). Maybe my body is use to it from all the sus250 Ive done in the past who knows. 75-100 mg ed for me
My current run with prop hurt like a bitch for the first couple of pins in each site. Couldn't even work out a couple of times. Now the pain is very minimal.