prop sucks


New member
i made a batch of prop 6wks ago using the instructions from this board.15%bb5%ba to much solvent.i was getting a nice fever and flu symptoms and my ass hurt big time.i also had a palpation.i sought out help which i am thankfull for and i diluted it with some sterile ss oil and waited 3 wks to start again. all the same sides came i made a fresh batch 3% ba 7%bb 100 mg/ml cooked and cooled 5 times filtered.......all the same sides.can some people not use prop,i got 140 cc's of 70 mg/ml and 97 ml of 100mg and im afraid to use there any thing else i could do,does this stop after time?
some folks are more sensitive to certain hormones. have you done test NE or any other hormone with a prop ester?
ne as in no ester.
using Noah (sodium hydroxide) AKA: lye to strip the esterfrom the teest and ending up with pure test
why bother test-e test cyp are good to go for me what should i do with the prop,no fixes?
shoot it wth cyp or enan and see what happens.

alot of athletes who are drug tested prefer suspension as it is in and out fasater. it is a favorite of PLers as well cause on meet day it gives a good agressive attitude in a hurry.

cut it down to 50mg ands see what happens. or like i said add it too cyp to make a 2 ester test blend (similar to sus)
i cut the 1 st batch down to 75mg that's how it is 140ml of 75 mgs not as harsh as 100,maybe 50 mg will be tolerable?
PAC said:
i cut the 1 st batch down to 75mg that's how it is 140ml of 75 mgs not as harsh as 100,maybe 50 mg will be tolerable?

youll be finding out soon enough i'll bet. lololol