Prop through 27g?


Community Veteran
I'm looking to do prop, but with EOD injections and 500mg/ml, I'm either going to need to thin it out (which means alot of oil in the body) or find a way to more accurately measure doses before injection. Since slin pins dont detach from the pusher, what do I do?

Should I give up and thin it out? Or will I be able to heat up the pin a little (in 170º or so water in a baggy) and be able to inject it? Or is there a 1cc pusher SOMEWHERE out there with a 25g pin or a detachable one?
i heaard that prop hurts likea bitch your gonna wanna cut it. id use eq but that will take a wile to clear teh system try injectable b12 or sterile oil
I would say try the inject B-12 like bronco said , but I have used prop and it will fit through a slin pin, you have some seriously concentrated stuff though
Easto, yep, thats the plan. I guess I will cut it then (1/3), I will be doing EQ also. I just would have liked a way to measure with a higher deg of accuracy, instead of trying to measure out 2/5th of a cc in a 3cc pusher. Guess I'll just break it down and live with it.