protein intake


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protein problem

i am taking eas myoplex deluxe rtd right now and i am getting real bad stomache aches and gas from it ive also tried optium and the same thing also happens any suggestions on some kind of well priced light protein that wont be as harsh on the body for me.
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buy cybergenic's shake, it's the smoothest in business, the powder looks very thin like sugar , only takes 15 seconds to mix since it's so smoothly made. I myself had good results with it
cant find anything thing on that kind of protein all i can find is a bunch of packages of garbage by cybergenics
cant find anything thing on that kind of protein all i can find is a bunch of packages of garbage by cybergenics
Try a whey protein isolate from all the whey or where ever, because it sounds like you're lactose intolerant, people that are can usally handle a WPI
