Dino Velvet
Hi, when you drink a protein shake its digested and for me it gives me gas, now if i take bean-zyme, bean zyme states
"The enzyme in Bean-zyme breaks these sugars down into less complex sugars that the human body can digest, thus reducing or eliminating the intestinal gas formed"
So if this breaks down the sugars, would the the break down of these sugars have any affect on the protein?
and is there a protein that does not give gas?, and yes im lactose intolerant.
"The enzyme in Bean-zyme breaks these sugars down into less complex sugars that the human body can digest, thus reducing or eliminating the intestinal gas formed"
So if this breaks down the sugars, would the the break down of these sugars have any affect on the protein?
and is there a protein that does not give gas?, and yes im lactose intolerant.